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Ace. is a term used to describe someone who identifies as asexual, meaning they do not experience sexual attraction towards others. It is getting popular as awareness and understanding of different sexual orientations and identities increase.


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 12 Months
Average: 68.96%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.56%
 5 Years
Average: 58%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.29%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Representation and Visibility

The ace. community is becoming more visible in mainstream media, with characters and storylines featuring asexual individuals in TV shows, movies, and books. This increased representation helps to raise awareness and understanding of asexuality.

2. Online Communities and Support

The internet has provided a platform for asexual individuals to connect with each other, share experiences, and find support. Online communities and forums have played a significant role in fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment within the ace. community.

3. Challenging Normative Expectations

As society becomes more accepting and inclusive, there is a growing recognition that sexual attraction is not the sole defining factor of relationships and personal fulfillment. The ace. community challenges the societal expectation that everyone should experience sexual attraction, promoting a more diverse understanding of human sexuality.

4. Increased Awareness and Education

Efforts by activists, organizations, and educators have contributed to a greater understanding of asexuality. Workshops, presentations, and online resources have helped to dispel misconceptions and provide accurate information about asexuality, leading to increased acceptance and support.

5. Intersectionality and Inclusivity

The ace. community intersects with other marginalized communities, such as the LGBTQ+ community. This intersectionality fosters solidarity and collaboration, as well as a broader understanding of the diverse experiences and identities within the ace. community.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Drew Ace (@drewace)

Fitness coach and influencer who frequently shares workout routines and healthy lifestyle tips on his Instagram account.

2. Grace Acevedo (@graceacevedo)

Fashion blogger and influencer who frequently showcases her stylish outfits and collaborations on her Instagram account.

3. Ella Aceron (@ellaaceron)

Travel blogger and influencer who frequently shares her adventures and travel recommendations on her Instagram account.

4. Miles Acevedo (@milesacevedo)

Motivational speaker and influencer who frequently inspires his followers with his positive mindset and personal development tips on his Instagram account.

5. Emma Acevedo (@emmaacevedo)

Food blogger and influencer who frequently shares delicious recipes and healthy eating tips on her Instagram account.

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“Ace Hardware International needed a better way to onboard and connect new franchisees with its industry-leading standards, practices, operations, and supply networks to set up stores for success and deliver its award-winning brand to market faster and more easily. Ace Hardware International did just that with Microsoft Azure.”
Published on 2023-11-01 in the Cyber-crime forum
This discussion is in English.
... use override.properties file of ACE in OpenShift to override the... node-level properties in the ACE app running in OpenShift env? ? ...
Published on 2023-10-30 in the IBM Financial Crimes Insight (FCI) Community forum
This discussion is in English.
... use override.properties file of ACE in OpenShift to override the... node-level properties in the ACE app running in OpenShift env? ? ...
Published on 2023-10-30 in the IBM Financial Crimes Insight (FCI) Community forum
This discussion is in English.
... use override.properties file of ACE in OpenShift to override the... node-level properties in the ACE app running in OpenShift env? ? ...
Published on 2023-10-30 in the DataOps ThinkTank forum
This discussion is in English.
... use override.properties file of ACE in OpenShift to override the... node-level properties in the ACE app running in OpenShift env? ? ...
Published on 2023-10-30 in the DataOps ThinkTank forum
This discussion is in English.
...From: Muhammad Salman Subject: ibm ace logo, trademark usage guidelines? Here...guidelines for the IBM ACE logo: The IBM ACE logo should only...disparaging or offensive. The IBM ACE logo should not be used... using the IBM ACE logo: The IBM ACE logo should always...From: Matthias Jungbauer Subject: ibm ace logo, trademark usage guidelines? https...App Connect Enterprise Toolkit or ACE Console. It leaded to the...
Published on 2023-09-04 in the Build with Watson Apps forum
This discussion is in English.
...From: Muhammad Salman Subject: ibm ace logo, trademark usage guidelines? Here...guidelines for the IBM ACE logo: The IBM ACE logo should only...disparaging or offensive. The IBM ACE logo should not be used... using the IBM ACE logo: The IBM ACE logo should always...From: Matthias Jungbauer Subject: ibm ace logo, trademark usage guidelines? https...App Connect Enterprise Toolkit or ACE Console. It leaded to the...
Published on 2023-09-04 in the Build with Watson Apps forum
This discussion is in English.
... use override.properties file of ACE in OpenShift to override the... node-level properties in the ACE app running in OpenShift env? ? ...
Published on 2023-10-30 in the Db2 Big SQL and Open Source Partnerships forum
This discussion is in English.
... use override.properties file of ACE in OpenShift to override the... node-level properties in the ACE app running in OpenShift env? ? ...
Published on 2023-10-30 in the Db2 Big SQL and Open Source Partnerships forum
This discussion is in English.
... for the IBM ACE logo: The IBM ACE logo should only... and services. The IBM ACE logo should not be used... other trademarks. The IBM ACE logo should not be used... or offensive. The IBM ACE logo should not be used... using the IBM ACE logo: The IBM ACE logo should always...From: Matthias Jungbauer Subject: ibm ace logo, trademark usage guidelines? ...App Connect Enterprise Toolkit or ACE Console. It leaded to ...
Published on 2023-09-04 in the IBM Network Performance Insight for Service Providers forum
This discussion is in English.
... for the IBM ACE logo: The IBM ACE logo should only... and services. The IBM ACE logo should not be used... other trademarks. The IBM ACE logo should not be used... or offensive. The IBM ACE logo should not be used... using the IBM ACE logo: The IBM ACE logo should always...From: Matthias Jungbauer Subject: ibm ace logo, trademark usage guidelines? ...App Connect Enterprise Toolkit or ACE Console. It leaded to ...
Published on 2023-09-04 in the IBM Network Performance Insight for Service Providers forum
This discussion is in English.
... use override.properties file of ACE in OpenShift to override the... node-level properties in the ACE app running in OpenShift env? ? ...
Published on 2023-10-30 in the Software Defined Storage forum
This discussion is in English.
... use override.properties file of ACE in OpenShift to override the... node-level properties in the ACE app running in OpenShift env? ? ...
Published on 2023-10-30 in the Software Defined Storage forum
This discussion is in English.
... use override.properties file of ACE in OpenShift to override the... node-level properties in the ACE app running in OpenShift env? ? ...
Published on 2023-10-30 in the Engineering Lifecycle Optimization forum
This discussion is in English.
... use override.properties file of ACE in OpenShift to override the... node-level properties in the ACE app running in OpenShift env? ? ...
Published on 2023-10-30 in the Engineering Lifecycle Optimization forum
This discussion is in English.
... use override.properties file of ACE in OpenShift to override the... node-level properties in the ACE app running in OpenShift env? ? ...
Published on 2023-10-30 in the Spectrum Conductor forum
This discussion is in English.
... use override.properties file of ACE in OpenShift to override the... node-level properties in the ACE app running in OpenShift env? ? ...
Published on 2023-10-30 in the Spectrum Conductor forum
This discussion is in English.
... Compiling Java projects from the ACE container image Hello Trevor, i ...baseFilePath='C:/Program Files/IBM/ACE/' in ...'command 'C:/Program Files/IBM/ACE/ Compiling Java projects from the ACE container image Compatibility is really ...you should be fine building ACE v11 applications with ACE v12 tools. Going the other ...as https://github.com/ot4i/ace-demo-pipeline/tree/demo-pipeline-...
Published on 2023-10-16 in the Db2 Early Access Program (EAP) forum
This discussion is in English.
... Compiling Java projects from the ACE container image Hello Trevor, i ...baseFilePath='C:/Program Files/IBM/ACE/' in ...'command 'C:/Program Files/IBM/ACE/ Compiling Java projects from the ACE container image Compatibility is really ...you should be fine building ACE v11 applications with ACE v12 tools. Going the other ...as https://github.com/ot4i/ace-demo-pipeline/tree/demo-pipeline-...
Published on 2023-10-16 in the Db2 Early Access Program (EAP) forum
This discussion is in English.