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Adjustable Bed

Home & Garden   Product   Sustained growth   

An adjustable bed is a type of bed that allows users to adjust the position of the mattress and base to different angles, providing personalized comfort and support. The head and foot sections of the bed can be raised or lowered independently, allowing users to find their desired sleeping or resting position.


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 12 Months
Average: 75.29%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.58%
 5 Years
Average: 60.53%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 3.19%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Enhanced Comfort and Support

Adjustable beds offer customizable positions that can provide enhanced comfort and support for individuals with various sleep preferences or specific health conditions. By adjusting the bed to different angles, users can find the optimal position for relieving pressure points, reducing back pain, improving circulation, and promoting better sleep.

2. Relief for Medical Conditions

Many individuals with medical conditions such as sleep apnea, acid reflux, snoring, or circulation problems find adjustable beds beneficial. By elevating the upper body or legs, these beds can help alleviate symptoms and improve overall sleep quality, making them popular among individuals seeking relief from specific health issues.

3. Convenience and Versatility

Adjustable beds offer convenience and versatility beyond traditional flat beds. They often come with additional features such as built-in massage functions, USB ports, under-bed lighting, and wireless remote controls. These features enhance the overall sleeping experience and provide added convenience for activities like reading, watching TV, or working on a laptop in bed.

4. Partner Compatibility

Adjustable beds are designed to accommodate the needs of both partners sharing the bed. Each side of the bed can be adjusted independently, allowing individuals to find their preferred sleeping position without disturbing their partner. This feature is particularly useful when one partner prefers a different angle or elevation than the other.

5. Growing Aging Population

As the population ages, there is an increasing demand for products that promote comfort, mobility, and independence. Adjustable beds cater to the needs of older adults by providing customizable sleeping positions that can alleviate age-related issues such as joint pain, arthritis, and mobility limitations. This demographic shift has contributed to the rising popularity of adjustable beds.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Sarah Johnson (@sarahjohnson)

Fitness trainer and influencer who frequently shares her experience and tips on using adjustable beds on her Instagram account.

2. Emily Anderson (@emilyanderson)

Home decor influencer who frequently features adjustable beds and provides inspiration and recommendations on her Instagram account.

3. Alex Thompson (@alexthompson)

Wellness coach and influencer who frequently shares the benefits of using adjustable beds on Instagram.

4. Mark Davis (@markdavis)

Lifestyle influencer who frequently showcases his adjustable bed and shares his recommendations on Instagram.

5. Nicole Roberts (@nicoleroberts)

Sleep expert and influencer who often shares her knowledge and recommendations regarding adjustable beds on Instagram.