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Ear Cleaning

Health   Concept   Rapid growth  Low opportunity   

Ear cleaning is the process of removing excess earwax and debris from the ear canal using various methods such as ear drops, irrigation, or manual removal with tools.


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 12 Months
Average: 48.71%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.02%
 5 Years
Average: 52.85%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 4.4%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Improves Hearing

Excess earwax can block the ear canal and affect hearing. Regular ear cleaning can help improve hearing and prevent hearing loss.

2. Reduces Risk of Infection

A buildup of earwax can create a breeding ground for bacteria and increase the risk of ear infections. Regular ear cleaning can help reduce the risk of infection.

3. Relieves Itching and Discomfort

Excess earwax can cause itching and discomfort in the ear. Ear cleaning can help relieve these symptoms and improve overall ear health.

4. Increasing Popularity of Personal Grooming

As personal grooming becomes more popular, people are paying more attention to their ear hygiene and seeking out ear cleaning services.

5. Growing Awareness of the Importance of Ear Health

With the increasing awareness of the importance of ear health, more people are seeking out ear cleaning services as part of their overall health and wellness routine.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Ear Cleaning ASMR (@earcleaning_asmr)

ASMR artist who specializes in ear cleaning videos. Shares soothing and relaxing ear cleaning sessions on Instagram.

2. Earcleaner (@earcleaner)

Expert in ear cleaning techniques. Shares informative posts and videos about ear hygiene and ear cleaning tips on Instagram.

3. Ear Care Guru (@earcareguru)

Influencer dedicated to promoting proper ear care. Provides advice, product recommendations, and guides for ear cleaning on their Instagram account.

4. The Ear Doctor (@theeardoctor)

Specializes in ear health and cleaning. Shares educational and entertaining content about ear care on Instagram.

5. Ear Cleaning Chronicles (@earcleaningchronicles)

Documents the process of ear cleaning. Shares satisfying videos and images of ear cleaning procedures on Instagram.