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Ear Mites

Pets   Product   Sustained growth   

Ear mites are tiny parasites that infest the ears of animals, particularly cats and dogs. They feed on the wax and oils in the ear canal and can cause irritation, inflammation, and discomfort for the affected animal.


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 12 Months
Average: 69.13%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.7%
 5 Years
Average: 60.49%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 2.17%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Common in Pets

Ear mites are a common problem in pets, especially cats and dogs. They can easily spread from one animal to another through close contact, making them a prevalent issue among pet owners.

2. Visible Symptoms

Ear mite infestations often result in visible symptoms such as excessive scratching of the ears, head shaking, redness or swelling of the ear canal, and a dark, crumbly discharge. These symptoms make it easier for pet owners to identify and seek treatment for their pets.

3. Easy to Treat

Ear mites can be effectively treated with various medications, such as ear drops or topical creams, prescribed by a veterinarian. The availability of these treatments and their relatively simple application contribute to the popularity of addressing ear mite infestations.

4. Prevention and Control

Regular cleaning of pets' ears and maintaining good hygiene practices can help prevent ear mite infestations. Additionally, there are preventive products available, such as ear mite treatments and ear cleaners, which aid in controlling and reducing the occurrence of ear mites.

5. Increasing Awareness

With the rise of social media and online pet communities, there has been an increase in awareness about common pet health issues, including ear mites. Pet owners are now more informed about the signs, symptoms, and treatment options for ear mite infestations, leading to their growing popularity.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Healthy Paws (@healthypaws)

Pet health and wellness influencer who frequently educates her followers on the prevention and management of ear mites in pets on her Instagram account.

2. Dr. Pet Lover (@drpetlover)

Veterinarian and influencer who frequently shares tips and advice on how to treat ear mites on pets on his Instagram account.

3. Ear Mite Expert (@earmiteexpert)

Pet care specialist and influencer who frequently shares information and product recommendations for treating ear mites on pets on her Instagram account.

4. Mite-Free Pets (@mitefreepets)

Pet grooming and care influencer who frequently shares tips, tricks, and product recommendations to prevent and treat ear mites on pets on his Instagram account.

5. Pet Vet Care (@petvetcare)

Veterinary expert and influencer who frequently shares insights and advice on diagnosing and treating ear mites in pets on his Instagram account.

Latest forum discussions

We tracked 67 total in the last 3 months

... or swelling of the ear flap or ear canal Waxy buildup on or near the ear canal Discharge from the ear that resembles coffee grounds (a symptom of ear mites) Strong odor Hearing loss... determines that your cat has ear mites or a yeast or bacterial ...
Published on 2021-02-09 in the CAT RESOURCES forum
This discussion is in English.
... vital steps in successful cat ear infection treatment. Most ear infections are treated for a ... resolved. Since a cat???s ear canal is shaped like the ... ways to prevent reoccurring cat ear infections and other ear issues, and how often to .../conditions/infectious-parasitic/c_ct_ear_mites https://www.petmd.com/cat/conditions/ears/c_ct_cat_ear_hematoma https://www.petmd.com/...
Published on 2021-02-09 in the CAT RESOURCES forum
This discussion is in English.
... vital steps in successful cat ear infection treatment. Most ear infections are treated for a ... resolved. Since a cat???s ear canal is shaped like the ... ways to prevent reoccurring cat ear infections and other ear issues, and how often to .../conditions/infectious-parasitic/c_ct_ear_mites https://www.petmd.com/cat/conditions/ears/c_ct_cat_ear_hematoma https://www.petmd.com/...
Published on 2021-02-09 in the CAT RESOURCES forum
This discussion is in English.
... vet again as I suspected ear mites. No ear mites but the vet found... a small tumour in one ear. She...
Published in England on 2021-03-08 in the General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion forum
This discussion is in English.
... vet again as I suspected ear mites. No ear mites but the vet found... a small tumour in one ear. She...
Published in England on 2021-03-08 in the General Yorkshire Terrier Discussion forum
This discussion is in English.
... used mineral oil to treat ear mites.  It has always worked well....  It smothers the mites so they die; and it.... I have never heard of mites in the eyes or ears.  ... I have caught, to treat mites or whatever skin parasites they ...
Published on 2021-02-15 in the Pets forum
This discussion is in English.
... used mineral oil to treat ear mites.  It has always worked well....  It smothers the mites so they die; and it.... I have never heard of mites in the eyes or ears.  ... I have caught, to treat mites or whatever skin parasites they ...
Published on 2021-02-15 in the Pets forum
This discussion is in English.
... used mineral oil to treat ear mites.  It has always worked well....  It smothers the mites so they die; and it.... I have never heard of mites in the eyes or ears.  ... I have caught, to treat mites or whatever skin parasites they ...
Published on 2021-02-15 in the Pets forum
This discussion is in English.
... used mineral oil to treat ear mites.  It has always worked well....  It smothers the mites so they die; and it.... I have never heard of mites in the eyes or ears.  ... I have caught, to treat mites or whatever skin parasites they ...
Published on 2021-02-15 in the Pets forum
This discussion is in English.
... used mineral oil to treat ear mites.  It has always worked well....  It smothers the mites so they die; and it.... I have never heard of mites in the eyes or ears.  ... I have caught, to treat mites or whatever skin parasites they ...
Published on 2021-02-15 in the Pets forum
This discussion is in English.
... used mineral oil to treat ear mites.  It has always worked well....  It smothers the mites so they die; and it.... I have never heard of mites in the eyes or ears.  ... I have caught, to treat mites or whatever skin parasites they ...
Published on 2021-02-15 in the Pets forum
This discussion is in English.
... used mineral oil to treat ear mites.  It has always worked well....  It smothers the mites so they die; and it.... I have never heard of mites in the eyes or ears.  ... I have caught, to treat mites or whatever skin parasites they ...
Published on 2021-02-15 in the Pets forum
This discussion is in English.
... used mineral oil to treat ear mites.  It has always worked well....  It smothers the mites so they die; and it.... I have never heard of mites in the eyes or ears.  ... I have caught, to treat mites or whatever skin parasites they ...
Published on 2021-02-15 in the Pets forum
This discussion is in English.
... used mineral oil to treat ear mites.  It has always worked well....  It smothers the mites so they die; and it.... I have never heard of mites in the eyes or ears.  ... I have caught, to treat mites or whatever skin parasites they ...
Published on 2021-02-15 in the Pets forum
This discussion is in English.
... used mineral oil to treat ear mites.  It has always worked well....  It smothers the mites so they die; and it.... I have never heard of mites in the eyes or ears.  ... I have caught, to treat mites or whatever skin parasites they ...
Published on 2021-02-15 in the Pets forum
This discussion is in English.
... the early stages of an ear infection, she doesn’t want... me touching her ear, constantly shaking her head, slight... thinking it property isn’t mites. She cries when she scratches..., she seems fine besides this ear problem, not acting drunk or ...
Published on 2021-01-25 in the Pets forum
This discussion is in English.
... the early stages of an ear infection, she doesn’t want... me touching her ear, constantly shaking her head, slight... thinking it property isn’t mites. She cries when she scratches..., she seems fine besides this ear problem, not acting drunk or ...
Published on 2021-01-25 in the Pets forum
This discussion is in English.
... the early stages of an ear infection, she doesn’t want... me touching her ear, constantly shaking her head, slight... thinking it property isn’t mites. She cries when she scratches..., she seems fine besides this ear problem, not acting drunk or ...
Published on 2021-01-25 in the Pets forum
This discussion is in English.
... the early stages of an ear infection, she doesn’t want... me touching her ear, constantly shaking her head, slight... thinking it property isn’t mites. She cries when she scratches..., she seems fine besides this ear problem, not acting drunk or ...
Published on 2021-01-25 in the Pets forum
This discussion is in English.