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Home & Garden   Product    👀 Early     

A Fandelier is a combination of a ceiling fan and a chandelier. It is a decorative and functional lighting fixture that provides both air circulation and illumination.


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 12 Months
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.21%
 5 Years
Trend: growing
MOM change: 3.06%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Dual Functionality

Fandeliers provide both air circulation and lighting in one fixture, making them a practical and efficient choice for rooms with high ceilings or limited space for multiple fixtures.

2. Stylish Design

Fandeliers come in a variety of styles and designs, from modern and sleek to traditional and ornate. They can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any room.

3. Energy Efficiency

Fandeliers are often equipped with LED lights and energy-efficient motors, making them an eco-friendly choice that can help reduce energy costs.

4. Versatility

Fandeliers can be used in a variety of settings, from bedrooms and living rooms to dining areas and outdoor spaces. They can also be customized with different blade and light options to fit specific design preferences.

5. Increasing Popularity

Fandeliers are becoming increasingly popular as homeowners look for unique and functional lighting options. They are also a popular choice for restaurants, hotels, and other commercial spaces.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Emily Henderson (@em_henderson)

Interior designer and influencer who frequently features fandeliers on her Instagram account.

2. Ashley Stark (@ashleystark)

Luxury interior designer and influencer who often utilizes fandeliers in her high-end design projects.

3. Sarah Akkari (@fandielle)

Sarah is a lifestyle influencer who frequently shares her love for fandeliers on her Instagram account.

4. Alyssa Lenore (@aly_lenore)

Alyssa is a home decor influencer who frequently incorporates fandeliers into her design aesthetic.

5. Kaitlyn Luckow (@theeveryhostess)

Lifestyle influencer who frequently incorporates fandeliers into her hosting and entertaining content on Instagram.

Latest forum discussions

We tracked 3 total in the last 3 months

... to replace with a 27” fandelier with a 15” fan spread...
Published on 2024-01-25 in the Lighting forum
This discussion is in English.
... your space with our innovative fandelier designs that seamlessly blend the...
Published on 2024-02-06 in the General Chat forum
This discussion is in English.
... your space with our innovative fandelier designs that seamlessly blend the...
Published on 2024-02-06 in the General Chat forum
This discussion is in English.
... Fandeliers! What exactly is a Fandelier, you ask? It's the ...
Published on 2024-02-06 in the Discussions forum
This discussion is in English.
... Fandeliers! What exactly is a Fandelier, you ask? It's the ...
Published on 2024-02-06 in the Discussions forum
This discussion is in English.