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Fdx Stock Analysis



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We tracked 3 total in the last 3 months

... entire career in financial planning, analysis and strategy. I know the... margins and a much lower stock price. Union leadership changes, and... in not too distant future. FDX stock price is currently much cheaper...
Published on 2020-12-23 in the United Parcel Service, Inc. (UPS) forum
This discussion is in English.
...into the fundamentals, but the stock looks pretty good.  It...By this I mean, ths stock moved +100% above its 200 ... quarter.  Presently the stock peaked very close to +100% ...of 2/3 of my FDX position this morning.  As ...power of leverage.  The stock is basing intraday, but the ... tranche.  Now the stock is off to all time ...I mentioned in my above analysis, and how they applied to ...
Published in city of angels on 2020-11-25 in the Money Matters forum
This discussion is in English.
...into the fundamentals, but the stock looks pretty good.  It...By this I mean, ths stock moved +100% above its 200 ... quarter.  Presently the stock peaked very close to +100% ...of 2/3 of my FDX position this morning.  As ...power of leverage.  The stock is basing intraday, but the ... tranche.  Now the stock is off to all time ...I mentioned in my above analysis, and how they applied to ...
Published in city of angels on 2020-11-25 in the Money Matters forum
This discussion is in English.
...is in boldface and my analysis follows each surprise): Surprise #1 ... both a geopolitical and stock market crisis. China's aggression ...the transaction - Buffett understands FDX's business and the deal ...(AAPL) long investment after the stock becomes too large a percentage ...Eaton Vance. WRONG Surprise #9 Stock Surprises Abound - Boeing, General ... of the U.S. stock market will likely be importantly ...
Published in Aveiro on 2020-12-30 in the Forum Geral forum
This discussion is in English.
...is in boldface and my analysis follows each surprise): Surprise #1 ... both a geopolitical and stock market crisis. China's aggression ...the transaction - Buffett understands FDX's business and the deal ...(AAPL) long investment after the stock becomes too large a percentage ...Eaton Vance. WRONG Surprise #9 Stock Surprises Abound - Boeing, General ... of the U.S. stock market will likely be importantly ...
Published in Aveiro on 2020-12-30 in the Forum Geral forum
This discussion is in English.