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Gitlab is a web-based Git repository manager that provides source code management, continuous integration and deployment, and collaboration features. It is an open-source platform that allows developers to manage their code repositories and collaborate with other team members.


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 12 Months
Average: 78.1%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.01%
 5 Years
Average: 37.7%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 2.9%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. All-in-One Solution

Gitlab provides a complete set of tools for managing the entire software development lifecycle, including source code management, continuous integration and deployment, and collaboration features. This all-in-one solution makes it easier for developers to manage their projects and collaborate with their team members.

2. Open-Source

Gitlab is an open-source platform, which means that it is free to use and can be customized to meet the specific needs of individual developers and organizations. This has contributed to its popularity among developers and has led to a large and active community of contributors.

3. Easy to Use

Gitlab has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for developers to manage their code repositories and collaborate with their team members. It also provides extensive documentation and support resources to help users get started and troubleshoot any issues they may encounter.

4. Scalable

Gitlab is designed to be scalable, which means that it can handle large and complex projects with ease. It also provides features such as load balancing and high availability to ensure that projects remain accessible and responsive even as they grow in size and complexity.

5. Integration with Other Tools

Gitlab integrates with a wide range of other tools and services, including popular development frameworks, cloud platforms, and project management tools. This makes it easier for developers to work with the tools they are already familiar with and to streamline their workflows.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Jonas Kjellberg (@jonaskjellberg)

Entrepreneur and influencer who frequently shares his insights and experiences with Gitlab on his Instagram account.

2. Dan Katz (@bigcat)

Podcaster and influencer who frequently shares his thoughts and experiences with Gitlab on his Instagram account.

3. Derick Bailey (@derick.b)

Software developer and influencer who frequently shares tutorials and tips for using Gitlab on his Instagram account.

4. Sarah Drasner (@sarah_drasner)

Web developer and influencer who frequently shares her experiences and projects on Gitlab on her Instagram account.

5. Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)

Programmer and influencer who frequently shares his insights and recommendations for using Gitlab on his Instagram account.

Latest forum discussions

We tracked 5569 total in the last 3 months

nvidia? https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/ … /issues/26 In general, please don't post PSAs on the forum - this would belong into the wiki, except https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacman … an_upgrade
Published on 2024-04-17 in the Newbie Corner forum
This discussion is in English.
f: svelte + zustand + postcss + bun/esbuild + gql + ts + b: c# + postgre + kafka/spark + hadoop + elasticsearch + gql d&o: k8s + aws + alpine + grafana + p: redmine + gitlab + r&d: jupyter + autodesk + huggingface + esxi + c + asm a: sap + google + ... <продолжите список>17124038687430.jpg
Published on 2024-04-17 in the Программирование forum
This discussion is in Unknown.
f: svelte + zustand + postcss + bun/esbuild + gql + ts + b: c# + postgre + kafka/spark + hadoop + elasticsearch + gql d&o: k8s + aws + alpine + grafana + p: redmine + gitlab + r&d: jupyter + autodesk + huggingface + esxi + c + asm a: sap + google + ... <продолжите список>17124038687430.jpg
Published on 2024-04-17 in the Программирование forum
This discussion is in Unknown.
...-up-kr MONORAMIN / SpeakUP_KR · GitLab Fast and Free Git Hosting...
Published on 2024-04-17 in the 림월드 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
...-up-kr MONORAMIN / SpeakUP_KR · GitLab Fast and Free Git Hosting...
Published on 2024-04-17 in the 림월드 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
...는 할만함): https://gitlab.com/jeseibel/distant-horizons/-....20.4버전: https://gitlab.com/jeseibel/distant-horizons/-...
Published on 2024-04-17 in the 스티브 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
...는 할만함): https://gitlab.com/jeseibel/distant-horizons/-....20.4버전: https://gitlab.com/jeseibel/distant-horizons/-...
Published on 2024-04-17 in the 스티브 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
... a CI/CD-pipeline on gitlab, with the following pipeline script... guide at: # https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/cicd/templates.... https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Python.gitlab-ci...: [wheel_build_job] image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release-cli:latest rules..." release: # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#release ...
Published on 2024-04-17 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
... a CI/CD-pipeline on gitlab, with the following pipeline script... guide at: # https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/cicd/templates.... https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Python.gitlab-ci...: [wheel_build_job] image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release-cli:latest rules..." release: # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#release ...
Published on 2024-04-17 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
... implement a auto workflow in gitlab-ci.yml which provide a... "auto_check" that trigger by gitlab merge_request_event.In this ... clone the repository check the gitlab doc. search the ci mr ...
Published on 2024-04-17 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
... implement a auto workflow in gitlab-ci.yml which provide a... "auto_check" that trigger by gitlab merge_request_event.In this ... clone the repository check the gitlab doc. search the ci mr ...
Published on 2024-04-17 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
As the title says – when I enter my credentials I get the form to enter the verification code from the email. But the email never arrives, even with repeatedly requesting the email to be resent. And yes, the email did not end up in the spam folder, I checked. Any ideas how to solve that?
Published on 2024-04-17 in the General forum
This discussion is in English.
As the title says – when I enter my credentials I get the form to enter the verification code from the email. But the email never arrives, even with repeatedly requesting the email to be resent. And yes, the email did not end up in the spam folder, I checked. Any ideas how to solve that?
Published on 2024-04-17 in the General forum
This discussion is in English.
... my testing stages of the gitlab-ci to docker executor. This ... GIT_STRATEGY=none so the gitlab-runner uses "temporary volumes" based ...on this gitlab issue. I allow for up ... 17 00:42:55 dbserver1 gitlab-runner: #033[31;1mERROR: Failed ... 17 00:42:55 dbserver1 gitlab-runner: #033[31;1mERROR: Job ...
Published on 2024-04-17 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
... my testing stages of the gitlab-ci to docker executor. This ... GIT_STRATEGY=none so the gitlab-runner uses "temporary volumes" based ...on this gitlab issue. I allow for up ... 17 00:42:55 dbserver1 gitlab-runner: #033[31;1mERROR: Failed ... 17 00:42:55 dbserver1 gitlab-runner: #033[31;1mERROR: Job ...
Published on 2024-04-17 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
take a look at this issue https://github.com/harness/gitness/issues/3260 temporary solution for drone_server add env variable DRONE_GIT_USERNAME=robot_username/oauth2 DRONE_GIT_PASSWORD=robot_password/personal_token
Published on 2024-04-17 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
take a look at this issue https://github.com/harness/gitness/issues/3260 temporary solution for drone_server add env variable DRONE_GIT_USERNAME=robot_username/oauth2 DRONE_GIT_PASSWORD=robot_password/personal_token
Published on 2024-04-17 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
... version of Git(from https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-...
Published on 2024-04-17 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
... version of Git(from https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-...
Published on 2024-04-17 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.