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Incense Burner

Home & Garden   Product    Medium opportunity   

An incense burner is a vessel used to burn incense, which is a substance that produces a fragrant smoke when burned. Incense burners come in various shapes and sizes and are made from different materials such as wood, metal, and ceramic.


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 12 Months
Average: 31.31%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.67%
 5 Years
Average: 18.46%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 2.38%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Aromatherapy Benefits

Burning incense can have aromatherapy benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety, promoting relaxation, and improving mood. Different scents have different effects on the mind and body.

2. Spiritual and Religious Practices

Incense burners are commonly used in spiritual and religious practices, such as in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Catholicism. Burning incense is believed to purify the air and create a sacred atmosphere.

3. Decorative Element

Incense burners can also serve as a decorative element in homes and spaces. They come in various designs and styles, from traditional to modern, and can add a touch of elegance and ambiance to any room.

4. Alternative to Candles

Incense burners can be an alternative to candles for those who prefer not to use open flames. They still provide a source of fragrance and can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

5. Rising Interest in Mindfulness Practices

As mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga become more popular, so does the use of incense burners. Burning incense can enhance the experience and create a calming and peaceful environment.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. @igburner123 (@igburner123)

Influencer who frequently shares pictures and recommendations of incense burners on Instagram.

2. @incenselover (@incenselover)

Passionate incense enthusiast and influencer who shares their collection and tips on incense burner usage on Instagram.

3. @aroma_addict (@aroma_addict)

Influencer who posts about various types of incense burners and their benefits on Instagram.

4. @burning_scents (@burning_scents)

Lifestyle influencer who showcases different incense burners and creates aesthetically pleasing content on Instagram.

5. @scentedforyou (@scentedforyou)

Influencer dedicated to promoting different incense burner designs and brands on Instagram.

Latest forum discussions

We tracked 63 total in the last 3 months

..., but It's actually an incense burner, used for various sith rituals... was also filled with korriban incense. Palpatine really had a good... force to light up the burner and let them see the... another effect of the lit burner. There is no way Windu...
Published on 2022-11-03 in the Creative Writing forum
This discussion is in English.
..., decimating a nearby stand of incense that was on display. Before... and play up there, too. incense burner - a gift from her ... feeling, Kaida will light this incense burner with various argabatti flavours to ...
Published on 2022-10-10 in the template testing forum
This discussion is in English.
..., decimating a nearby stand of incense that was on display. Before... and play up there, too. incense burner - a gift from her ... feeling, Kaida will light this incense burner with various argabatti flavours to ...
Published on 2022-10-10 in the template testing forum
This discussion is in English.
..., decimating a nearby stand of incense that was on display. Before... there, too.[/spoiler] [i][b]incense burner[/b] - a gift from ... feeling, Kaida will light this incense burner with various argabatti flavours to ...
Published on 2022-10-11 in the locker room forum
This discussion is in English.
..., decimating a nearby stand of incense that was on display. Before... there, too.[/spoiler] [i][b]incense burner[/b] - a gift from ... feeling, Kaida will light this incense burner with various argabatti flavours to ...
Published on 2022-10-11 in the locker room forum
This discussion is in English.
... is covered in holes. "This incense-burner was used by shaman-king ... head to the side. "The incense burner…was it not sufficient?" The ... believed, we now have an incense burner worth at least a thousand ...
Published on 2022-10-06 in the Original Fiction forum
This discussion is in English.
... is covered in holes. "This incense-burner was used by shaman-king ... head to the side. "The incense burner…was it not sufficient?" The ... believed, we now have an incense burner worth at least a thousand ...
Published on 2022-10-06 in the Original Fiction forum
This discussion is in English.
... of pagan and satanic Catholic incense - as they will feel... because of your use of incense. Btw: Incense in German is "Weih-Rauch... the church up with the incense burner on a chain during the ...
Published in Ohio on 2022-10-30 in the Off-Topic Discussion forum
This discussion is in English.
... of pagan and satanic Catholic incense - as they will feel... because of your use of incense. Btw: Incense in German is "Weih-Rauch... the church up with the incense burner on a chain during the ...
Published in Ohio on 2022-10-30 in the Off-Topic Discussion forum
This discussion is in English.
... : 10 만원 Supreme BLU Burner Phone 슈프림 블... : 100 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타... : 10 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타...
Published on 2022-09-22 in the 기타 한정판 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
... : 10 만원 Supreme BLU Burner Phone 슈프림 블... : 100 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타... : 10 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타...
Published on 2022-09-22 in the 기타 한정판 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
... : 10 만원 Supreme BLU Burner Phone 슈프림 블... : 100 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타... : 10 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타...
Published on 2022-09-26 in the 기타 한정판 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
... : 10 만원 Supreme BLU Burner Phone 슈프림 블... : 100 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타... : 10 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타...
Published on 2022-09-26 in the 기타 한정판 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
... : 10 만원 Supreme BLU Burner Phone 슈프림 블... : 100 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타... : 10 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타...
Published on 2022-09-27 in the 기타 한정판 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
... : 10 만원 Supreme BLU Burner Phone 슈프림 블... : 100 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타... : 10 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타...
Published on 2022-09-27 in the 기타 한정판 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
... : 10 만원 Supreme BLU Burner Phone 슈프림 블... : 100 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타... : 10 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타...
Published on 2022-08-21 in the 기타 한정판 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
... : 10 만원 Supreme BLU Burner Phone 슈프림 블... : 100 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타... : 10 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타...
Published on 2022-08-21 in the 기타 한정판 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
... : 10 만원 Supreme BLU Burner Phone 슈프림 블... : 100 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타... : 10 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타...
Published on 2022-09-06 in the 기타 한정판 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
... : 10 만원 Supreme BLU Burner Phone 슈프림 블... : 100 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타... : 10 만원 Supreme Stars Incense Burner 슈프림 스타...
Published on 2022-09-06 in the 기타 한정판 forum
This discussion is in Korean.