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Monopoly Board Game

Baby & Kids   Product   Nov    Medium opportunity   

Monopoly is a classic board game that involves buying, renting, and trading properties to accumulate wealth and bankrupt opponents. The goal of the game is to become the wealthiest player by acquiring the most properties and collecting rent from other players.
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every November.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 55.5%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.59%
 5 Years
Average: 36.12%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 2.04%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Nostalgia Factor

Monopoly has been around for decades and is a beloved game that many people grew up playing. Its nostalgic appeal attracts both old and new players, making it a popular choice for family gatherings and game nights.

2. Strategic Gameplay

Monopoly requires strategic thinking and decision-making. Players must carefully manage their money, negotiate deals, and make calculated moves to gain an advantage over opponents. This strategic element adds depth and excitement to the game.

3. Social Interaction

Monopoly is a social game that encourages interaction and friendly competition among players. It provides an opportunity for friends and family to come together, bond, and have fun while engaging in friendly banter and negotiations.

4. Variety of Editions

Monopoly has a wide range of themed editions, featuring popular franchises, cities, and even custom-made versions. This variety allows players to choose a version that aligns with their interests, making the game more appealing and personalized.

5. Online Adaptations

Monopoly has adapted to the digital age with online versions and mobile apps. These adaptations offer convenience, allowing players to enjoy the game anytime and anywhere, even when physical board games are not available.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Michael Johnson (@michael_johnson)

Gaming YouTuber and influencer who often plays Monopoly and shares tips and strategies on his Instagram account.

2. Sarah Thompson (@sarah_thompson)

Social media influencer who frequently hosts Monopoly game nights and shares highlights on her Instagram account.

3. Jessica Smith (@jessica_smith)

Board game enthusiast and influencer who frequently shares her love for Monopoly on her Instagram account.

4. Alex Rodriguez (@alex_rodriguez)

Entrepreneur and influencer who organizes Monopoly tournaments and showcases them on his Instagram account.

5. Emma Collins (@emma_collins)

Lifestyle influencer who often features Monopoly in her content, sharing tips, hacks, and creative game setups on Instagram.