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Electronics   Product   Sustained growth  Low opportunity   

PC stands for Personal Computer, which is a computer designed for individual use. It is getting popular due to several reasons.


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 12 Months
Average: 82.65%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.98%
 5 Years
Average: 67.6%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 2.57%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Increased Remote Work

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are working remotely, which has increased the demand for personal computers. PCs are essential for remote work as they provide a more comfortable and efficient work environment than laptops or mobile devices.

2. Gaming

PCs are the preferred platform for gaming due to their superior graphics, processing power, and customization options. The rise of esports has also contributed to the popularity of PCs among gamers.

3. Affordability

The cost of personal computers has decreased over the years, making them more affordable for the average consumer. This has led to an increase in demand for PCs as they are now accessible to a wider audience.

4. Versatility

Personal computers are versatile and can be used for a variety of tasks, such as work, entertainment, education, and communication. This versatility has contributed to their popularity as they provide a one-stop solution for all computing needs.

5. Customization

PCs offer a high degree of customization, allowing users to build a computer that meets their specific needs and preferences. This has led to a growing community of PC enthusiasts who enjoy building and customizing their own computers.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Pcmag (@pcmagofficial)

The official Instagram account for PCMag, a leading technology publication that covers all things PC-related.

2. Linus Tech Tips (@linustech)

The official Instagram account for Linus Tech Tips, a popular YouTube channel that focuses on PC hardware and tech reviews.

3. JayzTwoCents (@jayztwocents)

The official Instagram account for JayzTwoCents, a content creator who specializes in PC building and gaming.

4. PC Gamer (@pcgamer)

The official Instagram account for PC Gamer, the global authority on PC gaming.

5. Digital Foundry (@digitalfoundryofficial)

The official Instagram account for Digital Foundry, a channel known for its in-depth analysis of PC gaming hardware and performance.

Latest forum discussions

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...'instant un streameur jouer sur pc et j'hallucine de la... à syrettes... L'animation sur pc prend même pas une demi... touche que se soit sur pc ou console alors pourquoi l...
Published on 2024-04-23 in the Battlefield (2021) forum
This discussion is in French.
Cita de piquerson Qué opináis? Aquí decis mucho de ir a Suiza y la realida es otra Querer trabajar en suiza sin hablar ni Aleman ni ingles es como querer ser programador sin saber como se enciende un PC.
Published on 2024-04-23 in the General forum
This discussion is in Spanish.
Cita de piquerson Qué opináis? Aquí decis mucho de ir a Suiza y la realida es otra Querer trabajar en suiza sin hablar ni Aleman ni ingles es como querer ser programador sin saber como se enciende un PC.
Published on 2024-04-23 in the General forum
This discussion is in Spanish.
A priori pas mal de problème sur la version PC. Je me tâte à le prendre sur PS5 du coup.
Published on 2024-04-23 in the Consoles forum
This discussion is in French.
A priori pas mal de problème sur la version PC. Je me tâte à le prendre sur PS5 du coup.
Published on 2024-04-23 in the Consoles forum
This discussion is in French.
... začel razvijati svoj računalnik IBM PC, ki je nujno potreboval operacijski...-u, ki ga je poimenoval PC DOS, a neekskluzivno, zato ga..., a je bil sistem s PC DOS toliko cenejši, da je... z operacijskim sistemom za IBM PC-XT in več izdelkov, a...
Published on 2024-04-23 in the Novice forum
This discussion is in Slovenian.
... začel razvijati svoj računalnik IBM PC, ki je nujno potreboval operacijski...-u, ki ga je poimenoval PC DOS, a neekskluzivno, zato ga..., a je bil sistem s PC DOS toliko cenejši, da je... z operacijskim sistemom za IBM PC-XT in več izdelkov, a...
Published on 2024-04-23 in the Novice forum
This discussion is in Slovenian.
예전 같으면 말도 안 된다고 생각했을텐데 소니가 독점 포기하고 PSVR2로 PC 지원하겠다는 거 보면 피코도 가능성 있지 않을까 싶긴 하다
Published on 2024-04-23 in the VR게임 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
예전 같으면 말도 안 된다고 생각했을텐데 소니가 독점 포기하고 PSVR2로 PC 지원하겠다는 거 보면 피코도 가능성 있지 않을까 싶긴 하다
Published on 2024-04-23 in the VR게임 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
...'occasion, ordinateur de type mini pc à 150 balles... je comprends...
Published on 2024-04-23 in the Société forum
This discussion is in French.
...'occasion, ordinateur de type mini pc à 150 balles... je comprends...
Published on 2024-04-23 in the Société forum
This discussion is in French.
원래 pc에 선 연결하면 usb연결하시겠습니까 떠야하는데 rift 어쩌고 뜨고 난 뒤로부터 내컴퓨터에서 퀘2 디스크가 안뜨네 하여튼 애플도 그렇고 걍 pc 연결해서 파일옮길때 존나불편한건 종특이구나 이런 부분에선 피코랑 갤럭시가 넘사벽으로 편하다 
Published on 2024-04-23 in the VR게임 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
원래 pc에 선 연결하면 usb연결하시겠습니까 떠야하는데 rift 어쩌고 뜨고 난 뒤로부터 내컴퓨터에서 퀘2 디스크가 안뜨네 하여튼 애플도 그렇고 걍 pc 연결해서 파일옮길때 존나불편한건 종특이구나 이런 부분에선 피코랑 갤럭시가 넘사벽으로 편하다 
Published on 2024-04-23 in the VR게임 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
物理的に故障や不具合があるなら元には戻らないかも。 出来そうなことはシステムの復元やOS自体の再インストールとかでしょうか。それでもPC本体左側面のUSBポートが使えないようなら故障と判断は出来ます。
Published on 2024-04-23 in the ノートPC forum
This discussion is in Japanese.
物理的に故障や不具合があるなら元には戻らないかも。 出来そうなことはシステムの復元やOS自体の再インストールとかでしょうか。それでもPC本体左側面のUSBポートが使えないようなら故障と判断は出来ます。
Published on 2024-04-23 in the ノートPC forum
This discussion is in Japanese.
只有pc 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘APP,操作更方便哦。 链接:网盘链接 提取码:luna--来自百度网盘超级会员V2的分享
Published on 2024-04-23 in the 近月少女的礼仪 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
只有pc 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘APP,操作更方便哦。 链接:网盘链接 提取码:luna--来自百度网盘超级会员V2的分享
Published on 2024-04-23 in the 近月少女的礼仪 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
海鹰大概trade down,希望能换到一个首轮后段和一个二轮的签,首轮后段用来拿Barton或者jpj,二轮补一个防守锋线(pc走了,我们应该不会再在二轮拿跑卫了)
Published on 2024-04-23 in the NFL橄榄球场 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
海鹰大概trade down,希望能换到一个首轮后段和一个二轮的签,首轮后段用来拿Barton或者jpj,二轮补一个防守锋线(pc走了,我们应该不会再在二轮拿跑卫了)
Published on 2024-04-23 in the NFL橄榄球场 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.