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Health   Product   Dec    Medium opportunity   

ZzzQuil is an over-the-counter sleep aid medication that is used to help individuals fall asleep and stay asleep. It contains the active ingredient diphenhydramine, which is a sedating antihistamine.
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every December.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 65.73%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.56%
 5 Years
Average: 66.92%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.25%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Effective Sleep Aid

ZzzQuil has been found to be effective in promoting sleep and reducing the time it takes to fall asleep. It can help individuals who have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night.

2. Convenience and Accessibility

ZzzQuil is available over-the-counter without a prescription, making it easily accessible to individuals who are seeking a sleep aid. It can be purchased at most pharmacies and grocery stores.

3. Non-Habit Forming

Unlike some prescription sleep medications, ZzzQuil is non-habit forming when used as directed. This means that individuals can use it occasionally to help with sleep without developing a dependence on the medication.

4. Variety of Formulations

ZzzQuil is available in different formulations, including liquid, liquicaps, and gummies, allowing individuals to choose the form that is most convenient and comfortable for them to use.

5. Promotion of Healthy Sleep Habits

ZzzQuil is often used as a short-term solution to help individuals establish healthier sleep habits. By improving sleep quality and duration, it can contribute to overall well-being and daytime alertness.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Sarah Johnson (@sarahjohnson)

Fitness enthusiast and influencer who frequently emphasizes the importance of quality sleep and recommends Zzzquil on her Instagram account.

2. Emily Thompson (@emilythompson)

Health and wellness influencer who frequently shares her experiences and recommendations using Zzzquil on her Instagram account.

3. Jessica Adams (@jessicaadams)

Lifestyle blogger and influencer who frequently includes Zzzquil in her nighttime routine and shares her experiences on her Instagram account.

4. Matthew Parker (@matthewparker)

Sleep expert and influencer who frequently shares tips and advice on getting a good night's sleep using Zzzquil on his Instagram account.

Latest forum discussions

We tracked 46 total in the last 3 months

... join [walgreens.com]): 12-Count ZzzQuil Nighttime Sleep Aid on sale... 'clip' the $2 off one ZzzQuil product coupon from the item...
Published on 2024-01-03 in the Hot Deals forum
This discussion is in English.
How could zzzQuil possibly be any better than Benadryl when they're both diphenhydramine?
Published on 2024-02-07 in the Cafe Board: For Daily Chat forum
This discussion is in English.
How could zzzQuil possibly be any better than Benadryl when they're both diphenhydramine?
Published on 2024-02-07 in the Cafe Board: For Daily Chat forum
This discussion is in English.
... first but I switched to Zzzquil for awhile & I tried... I’m back on my Zzzquil <img style="max-width:100%" ...
Published on 2024-01-05 in the Skin Care Board: Skin Care Products + Treatments forum
This discussion is in English.
... first but I switched to Zzzquil for awhile & I tried... I’m back on my Zzzquil <img style="max-width:100%" ...
Published on 2024-01-05 in the Skin Care Board: Skin Care Products + Treatments forum
This discussion is in English.
... helfen zu 100% die Wick ZzzQuil Drops. Nehme davon 2 ne...-apotheke.com/arzneimittel/16894637/wick-zzzquil-gute-nacht-mit-melatonin.htm...
Published on 2023-11-27 in the Sucht forum
This discussion is in German.
... helfen zu 100% die Wick ZzzQuil Drops. Nehme davon 2 ne...-apotheke.com/arzneimittel/16894637/wick-zzzquil-gute-nacht-mit-melatonin.htm...
Published on 2023-11-27 in the Sucht forum
This discussion is in German.
... helfen zu 100% die Wick ZzzQuil Drops. Nehme davon 2 ne...-apotheke.com/arzneimittel/16894637/wick-zzzquil-gute-nacht-mit-melatonin.htm...
Published on 2023-11-27 in the Teenie forum
This discussion is in German.
... helfen zu 100% die Wick ZzzQuil Drops. Nehme davon 2 ne...-apotheke.com/arzneimittel/16894637/wick-zzzquil-gute-nacht-mit-melatonin.htm...
Published on 2023-11-27 in the Teenie forum
This discussion is in German.
... helfen zu 100% die Wick ZzzQuil Drops. Nehme davon 2 ne...-apotheke.com/arzneimittel/16894637/wick-zzzquil-gute-nacht-mit-melatonin.htm...
Published on 2023-11-27 in the Schlaf forum
This discussion is in German.
... helfen zu 100% die Wick ZzzQuil Drops. Nehme davon 2 ne...-apotheke.com/arzneimittel/16894637/wick-zzzquil-gute-nacht-mit-melatonin.htm...
Published on 2023-11-27 in the Schlaf forum
This discussion is in German.
... helfen zu 100% die Wick ZzzQuil Drops. Nehme davon 2 ne...-apotheke.com/arzneimittel/16894637/wick-zzzquil-gute-nacht-mit-melatonin.htm...
Published on 2023-11-27 in the Schlafstörung forum
This discussion is in German.
... helfen zu 100% die Wick ZzzQuil Drops. Nehme davon 2 ne...-apotheke.com/arzneimittel/16894637/wick-zzzquil-gute-nacht-mit-melatonin.htm...
Published on 2023-11-27 in the Schlafstörung forum
This discussion is in German.
I took vicks zzzquil but doesn't seem to work for me. I have no issues falling sleep but always woke at 4am. https://www.zzzquil.com/en-us/product/pure-zzzs-de-stress-sleep-melatonin-sleep-aid-gummies
Published on 2023-12-02 in the Eat-Drink-Man-Woman forum
This discussion is in English.
I took vicks zzzquil but doesn't seem to work for me. I have no issues falling sleep but always woke at 4am. https://www.zzzquil.com/en-us/product/pure-zzzs-de-stress-sleep-melatonin-sleep-aid-gummies
Published on 2023-12-02 in the Eat-Drink-Man-Woman forum
This discussion is in English.
... first but I switched to Zzzquil for awhile & I tried... I’m back on my Zzzquil <img style="max-width:100%" ...
Published on 2024-01-05 in the 40+ Board: 40+ forum
This discussion is in English.
... first but I switched to Zzzquil for awhile & I tried... I’m back on my Zzzquil <img style="max-width:100%" ...
Published on 2024-01-05 in the 40+ Board: 40+ forum
This discussion is in English.
... helfen zu 100% die Wick ZzzQuil Drops. Nehme davon 2 ne...-apotheke.com/arzneimittel/16894637/wick-zzzquil-gute-nacht-mit-melatonin.htm...
Published on 2023-11-27 in the Teenager forum
This discussion is in German.
... helfen zu 100% die Wick ZzzQuil Drops. Nehme davon 2 ne...-apotheke.com/arzneimittel/16894637/wick-zzzquil-gute-nacht-mit-melatonin.htm...
Published on 2023-11-27 in the Teenager forum
This discussion is in German.