Imperfect is the new perfect
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At first, it was all about Photoshop, edits, and staging. Social media channels like Instagram and Facebook promoted a distorted view of life, filled with smiles and perfection. Influencers jumped on this wagon of unrealistic beauty and some of them even created whole careers around it. They always looked healthy, happy, and full of energy.
For a while, the public believed it. At least until genuine influencers shed a light on the lies.
This is the new social trend, taking over every channel and every trending topic. Forget about fake smiles, (edited) perfect bodies, and the best life. Now it’s time to admit and accept the imperfections. Sometimes even to value them.

Who are genuine influencers?

They are still influencers, so they have the ability to influence their followers with their content and actions. They can still recommend products or share information. Only, this time they share the truth. This trend is about being true to the users and the people watching.
No one’s life is perfect, so why sell that idea? If perfection is unachievable, then saying (and sharing) the opposite is just a lie. Sometimes, a dangerous life. In fact, followers of influencers might change their appearance or lifestyle to become their favorite, social icon. By doing so, they might lose themselves. Or worse.

The body positivity movement

One of the main trends of genuine influencers is the body positivity movement. Social stars used to share the perfect body with a perfectly flat tummy, and no stretch marks, pimples, or scars. Online and on social media, appearances mattered. Often, these appearances reflected society’s idea of what perfection was.
Hence, a tall and skinny girl with long and untangled hair. With a shiny manicure, blended makeup, and no signs of her past. This female idea of perfection was always smiling because she was always happy. And she had a tall and athletic man by her side, holding her hand through the world and with perfect white teeth.
The Instagram of model Nyome Nicholas – Williams is all about body positivity. @curvynyome
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What’s farther from reality than this image? While these images showed a false narrative, followers aimed for it. Girls wanted to be perfect to get the perfect man. So, they turned to unnecessary diets, and they spent their days at the gym. Healthy? Not so much.
Hence, the body positivity movement of genuine influencers. It’s the “you are who you are” movement. And that’s ok. Photoshop started becoming outdated and even offensive. Finally, it was time to admit that imperfection is the new normal.

Emotions are part of life

Just as normal is feeling sad, depressed, or exhausted. While social media is used to promote happy and shiny people, everyone goes through rough patches — or simply a down day. Genuine influencers made this okay. In fact, some of them share their stories of anxiety or depression, encouraging others to look for help.
In a world that goes at the speed of light, mental health has become a topic of conversation. Thanks to these new influencers, it’s a safe and healthy topic of conversation. It’s nothing to be ashamed of anymore.

The struggle is real, isn’t it?

It is, for everyone. And that’s what genuine influencers are about. Followers aren’t looking for someone to worship and put on a pedestal. Instead, people are looking for someone that looks and feels like them. To be trendy and popular, people have to be relatable.

Why it matters

This trend shows that people are changing the way they make choices -choices about their health, beauty, and even entertainment. To stay relevant, influencers aren’t the only ones that have to change. Brands also have to react. If they want to reach new and younger destinations, they need to change their online presence and image. We are imperfect and it’s time to accept it. Another industry that’s changing is the healthcare one!
Mike Rubini

Written by

Mike Rubini

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