Vertical farms see a surge in demand

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What is it?

We live in a world where many people spend most of their lives in big overpopulated urban areas. The problem with big cities is that food production is almost impossible since most apartments have small terraces without any room for gardening. Given the fact that COVID-19 has thrown a wrench in the food supply chain after packaging factories had to close, vendors realized that cities need to have farms that would supply markets directly. Vertical farms have columns of plants stacked one on top of the other, where food is grown using a controlled environment where temperature, light, and humidity are carefully adjusted. They need just a few workers to make sure everything runs smoothly and fewer people for harvest than any regular farm. This type of farming is maximizing crop productivity by using all the space available and turning it into a greenhouse facility that could supply entire vicinities with fresh food. All farmers know that the growing season never ends in indoor gardens, given that we now have the technology to grow vegetables all year round.

What to sell?

What is great about vertical farms is that every city terrace with enough space could be turned into one. These farms are mostly DIY projects, but they could be very efficient if you set up the entire system properly. You can buy precise manuals where you have all the steps in building and maintaining a farm explained. Also, there are diverse ways to grow plants in vertical gardens. For example, hydroponic farms use mostly water to grow plants, they require lesser space and give full control of plant nutrients to farmers. A DIY vertical farm is quite popular since it looks like a vertical green garden, but it requires a stable structure to hold everything together. Running a vertical farm doesn’t come cheap since the system constantly needs electricity and its pricey hardware, but it does pay off in the long run. Constant innovations will make sure new systems run smoothly and become fully self-sufficient. The vertical farmhouse could be also used as a décor element in your kitchen or dining room since they look very natural and could cover whole walls with beautiful greens. These plants will also clean the air and make your home look green and calming. The importance of vertical farming in modern times cannot be emphasized enough. Growing plants in your own home can save you money and give you opportunities for healthier nutrition and lifestyle. It also assures the preservation of endangered species and the conservation of valuable resources. This is a signal that we need a lasting change in ways of growing our fruit and vegetables.
Mike Rubini

Written by

Mike Rubini

CEO at