Handy new tool for trend analysis by @mikerubini 👊https://t.co/NGTiSzFliD pic.twitter.com/XzG4o3JRVE
— Samuel Lavoie (@SammyQc) April 15, 2020
Handy new tool for trend analysis by @mikerubini 👊https://t.co/NGTiSzFliD pic.twitter.com/XzG4o3JRVE
— Samuel Lavoie (@SammyQc) April 15, 2020
Great trend spotter tool by @mikerubini - works in Spanish, too!https://t.co/4X9RGFPdA4
— Flavio Amiel ✍️📈 (@fba) April 4, 2020
As for “home cooked meal” software I liked this one from a few months ago: https://t.co/6dij0y4BbO
— Paul M Gerhardt (@pmg) May 12, 2020
Surfaced Dalgona coffee for me when it just started trending
🔍 Predict Trends, Monitor Growth - Treendly's Got You Covered! 🚀📈
— Mike B. Mudesi | Passionate Affiliate Marketer (@MikeMudesi) December 4, 2023
Why settle for the basics?
Treendly takes trend analysis to the next level! Predict growth, customize reports, and filter trends by location. Make informed decisions 🌐🔍 #TrendPredictions #Treendly pic.twitter.com/zUzwDbqXgl
2. Treendly@treendly specializes in identifying emerging trends by analyzing search volume data from multiple search engines.
— Vikas Singal (@TheVikasSingal) February 10, 2024
It provides users with trend forecasts and helps them capitalize on upcoming opportunities before they peak in popularity.
Users love @treendly 🚀 pic.twitter.com/cM7zHUIOsM
— Mike Rubini (@mikerubini) August 28, 2023
5️⃣ https://t.co/51RBsFKZSw
— Eduardo Higareda (@eldelentes) July 23, 2020
Por último y quizás el de mayor valor, es el newsletter de Treendly, herramienta de seguimiento de tendencias.
Utilizan la información de diferentes canales (AMZN, Google, YT) y te avisan que tendencias existen en las búsquedas actuales.
¿Quieres saber qué es lo que están buscando las personas en internet?🤔💡
— Ingunza Partners (@IngunzaPartners) June 19, 2020
Compartimos una plataforma de búsqueda de tendencias llamada https://t.co/mO5MKxlNPG
#IngunzaPartners #Herramientas #HerramientasDeMarketing #productosyservicios #negocios #Trends pic.twitter.com/bWUgBYoU0I
Public companies on the rise (June 2020) on Google Search.
— Crypto Tyrion🦁 (@Cryptotyrion) June 4, 2020
A cool new article to spot market opportunities through traffic search. https://t.co/LUwbblAwH1
Treendly : un outil gratuit pour découvrir les futurs sujets tendances du webhttps://t.co/eUNxp8sETe
— Sylvain Gillet (@SylvGillet) June 2, 2020
[#TRENDS] Treendly : monitor the search trends regarding specific words submitted to Google in 37 countries (via @crid):https://t.co/iCY63BV3Iz pic.twitter.com/nG27MLketg
— Serge Courrier (@secou) April 6, 2020