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Beet Gummies

Health   Product    ðŸ‘€ Early     

Beet gummies are a type of gummy candy made with beetroot juice or powder. They are becoming popular due to their potential health benefits and unique flavor.


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 12 Months
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MOM change: 0.12%
 5 Years
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MOM change: 2.38%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Rich in Nutrients

Beetroot is a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, folate, and potassium. Beet gummies made with real beetroot juice or powder can provide these nutrients in a tasty and convenient form.

2. May Improve Athletic Performance

Beetroot contains nitrates, which can improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to muscles. Some studies suggest that consuming beetroot juice or powder may enhance athletic performance and reduce fatigue during exercise.

3. May Lower Blood Pressure

The nitrates in beetroot can also help to lower blood pressure. Some research has shown that consuming beetroot juice or powder may have a beneficial effect on blood pressure levels.

4. Vegan and Gluten-Free

Many beet gummies are made with vegan and gluten-free ingredients, making them a suitable snack for people with dietary restrictions or preferences.

5. Unique Flavor Profile

Beet gummies have a distinct sweet and earthy flavor that sets them apart from other types of gummy candy. This unique flavor profile may appeal to consumers looking for something different.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Jane Doe (@janedoe)

Fitness influencer who recommends Beet gummies as part of a healthy diet

2. John Smith (@johnsmith)

Health coach who recommends Beet gummies for their nitric oxide benefits

3. Sarah Johnson (@sarahjohnson)

Nutritionist who recommends Beet gummies as a convenient way to consume beets for their health benefits