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Date Syrup

Food & Nutrition   Product   Sustained growth   

General search term.
Might be referring to: essentially date syrup is made by heating dates in water, blending the dates, pressing the mixture through a filter to strain out pits and insoluble parts of the date, and then evaporating the water that was put in, back out. What you are left with is the nectar, which contains vitamins and minerals from the date..


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 12 Months
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.14%
 5 Years
Trend: growing
MOM change: 3.28%

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Date Lady (@thepalmrose)

Influencer and founder of Date Lady, a company that produces organic date syrup and other date-based products.

2. Palm Trees and Loyalties (@palmtreesandloyalties)

Influencer who frequently posts about using date syrup in her cooking and baking on her Instagram account.

3. The Minimalist Vegan (@theminimalistvegan)

Influencer and blogger who frequently shares vegan recipes featuring date syrup on her Instagram account.

4. Rawvana (@rawvana)

Influencer and author who frequently uses date syrup in her healthy recipes and shares them on her Instagram account.

5. The Organic Lab (@theorganiclab)

Influencer who uses date syrup in her organic and healthy recipes and shares them on Instagram, along with tips for living an organic lifestyle.