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Shoyu Ramen

Food & Nutrition   Product   Sustained growth   

Shoyu Ramen is a type of Japanese noodle soup that is flavored with soy sauce. It typically consists of wheat noodles, a savory broth made from chicken or pork bones, soy sauce, and various toppings such as sliced pork, green onions, and bamboo shoots.


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 12 Months
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.34%
 5 Years
Trend: growing
MOM change: 3.45%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Rich Flavor Profile

Shoyu Ramen has a rich and savory flavor profile that is derived from the combination of soy sauce and meat-based broth. The broth is typically simmered for hours to extract maximum flavor from the bones and other ingredients.

2. Versatile Toppings

Shoyu Ramen can be customized with a variety of toppings, including sliced pork, green onions, bamboo shoots, seaweed, and boiled eggs. This allows for a range of flavor and texture combinations.

3. Regional Variations

Shoyu Ramen has regional variations throughout Japan, with each region adding its own unique twist to the dish. For example, Tokyo-style Shoyu Ramen typically has a clear broth and thin noodles, while Hokkaido-style Shoyu Ramen features a thicker, creamier broth and chewy noodles.

4. Healthy and Nutritious

Shoyu Ramen can be a healthy and nutritious meal, especially when made with high-quality ingredients. The broth is rich in collagen and other nutrients, while the noodles provide carbohydrates and fiber. Toppings such as sliced pork and boiled eggs add protein and other essential nutrients.

5. Growing Popularity

Shoyu Ramen is becoming increasingly popular outside of Japan, with many restaurants and food bloggers featuring the dish on their menus and websites. This has helped to raise awareness of the dish and its unique flavor profile.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Ramen Lord (@ramenlord)

A self-proclaimed Ramen Lord, who shares his knowledge and love for shoyu ramen on his Instagram account.

2. Ramen Adventures (@ramenadventures)

A blogger and influencer who features different ramen types including shoyu ramen on his Instagram account.

3. Ramen Beasts (@ramenbeasts)

A group of ramen enthusiasts who frequently post about their shoyu ramen findings on their Instagram account.

4. Ramen's Eye (@ramenseye)

An influencer who captures and shares beautiful photos of shoyu ramen on her Instagram account.

5. Ramen Info (@ramen.info)

An Instagram account that provides information and recommendations on different ramen types including shoyu ramen.