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Gym & Fitness   Company   Dec    Decline  👀 Early    Medium opportunity   

Cubii is a compact elliptical machine that allows users to exercise while sitting. It is designed to provide a low-impact workout for individuals who have sedentary lifestyles or limited mobility.
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every December.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 41.25%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.24%
 5 Years
Average: 12.4%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.56%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Convenience and Accessibility

Cubii allows individuals to incorporate exercise into their daily routine without having to go to a gym or set aside dedicated time for a workout. It can be used while working, watching TV, or doing other sedentary activities.

2. Low-Impact Exercise

Cubii provides a low-impact workout that is gentle on the joints, making it suitable for individuals with joint pain, arthritis, or other mobility issues. It allows for a smooth and fluid motion that mimics the natural movement of walking or cycling.

3. Burns Calories and Promotes Weight Loss

Using Cubii can help individuals burn calories and contribute to weight loss. It provides a cardiovascular workout that increases heart rate and engages multiple muscle groups, helping to improve overall fitness and metabolism.

4. Improves Circulation and Blood Flow

The continuous motion of using Cubii stimulates blood circulation in the legs, which can be beneficial for individuals who sit for long periods. It helps prevent blood pooling, reduces swelling, and promotes better overall circulation.

5. Quiet and Discreet

Cubii operates quietly, allowing users to exercise without disturbing others nearby. Its compact size and sleek design make it easy to fit into any home or office environment without being obtrusive.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Cubii Queen (@cubii_queen)

Fitness influencer who uses Cubii for her at-home workouts and shares her journey on Instagram.

2. Cubii Crush (@cubii_crush)

Lifestyle influencer who incorporates Cubii into her daily routine and shares tips and tricks on Instagram.

3. Cubii Guru (@cubii_guru)

Wellness influencer who advocates for the benefits of Cubii and shares motivational content on Instagram.

4. Cubii Lover (@cubii_lover)

Fitness enthusiast who uses Cubii for cardio and strength training, documenting her progress on Instagram.

5. Cubii Addict (@cubii_addict)

Dedicated user of Cubii who posts about her weight loss journey and exercises on Instagram using the device.

Latest forum discussions

We tracked 137 total in the last 3 months

... biceps and triceps Tuesday - Cubii x 40 minutes with 10... back Thursday - Crazy day. Cubii - several 15 minute sessions... 8.6.2020. PM - Cubii - several 20 - 30... - Kaatsu legs while pedaling Cubii Sunday - Holden 30 Day...
Published on 2023-10-01 in the Challenges and Check-ins forum
This discussion is in English.
..., hæklede og "cyklede" på min Cubii Jr.2, så tog jeg... omgange, helst flere på min Cubii Og, når min menisk enten... knæ for dårligt til dét. Cubii er en "sofacykel", som giver... bevægelse end man ellers ville. cubii.eu/ Redigeret af tuznelda d...
Published on 2023-08-02 in the Off-Topic forum
This discussion is in Danish.
..., hæklede og "cyklede" på min Cubii Jr.2, så tog jeg... omgange, helst flere på min Cubii Og, når min menisk enten... knæ for dårligt til dét. Cubii er en "sofacykel", som giver... bevægelse end man ellers ville. cubii.eu/ Redigeret af tuznelda d...
Published on 2023-08-02 in the Off-Topic forum
This discussion is in Danish.
... body and the bike or Cubii. I finally got my breathing... eat something and maybe use Cubii. It's getting late tho...
Published on 2023-08-03 in the Challenges and Check-ins forum
This discussion is in English.
... body and the bike or Cubii. I finally got my breathing... eat something and maybe use Cubii. It's getting late tho...
Published on 2023-08-03 in the Challenges and Check-ins forum
This discussion is in English.
... be brief. These two are cubii, part of Xex's mating... Multiverse, there are definitely 12 Cubii in the BBB universe manipulating...
Published on 2023-09-11 in the 3WSR Discussion forum
This discussion is in English.
... be brief. These two are cubii, part of Xex's mating... Multiverse, there are definitely 12 Cubii in the BBB universe manipulating...
Published on 2023-09-11 in the 3WSR Discussion forum
This discussion is in English.
(content available to registered users only)
Published on 2023-08-30 in the 밴쿠버 사고/팔고/드림 forum
This discussion is in English.
(content available to registered users only)
Published on 2023-08-30 in the 밴쿠버 사고/팔고/드림 forum
This discussion is in English.