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Dog Bath Tub

Pets   Product   Aug    Medium opportunity   

A dog bath tub is a specialized tub designed for washing dogs. It is typically made of durable materials such as stainless steel or fiberglass and features a non-slip surface to prevent dogs from slipping and injuring themselves during bath time.
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every August.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 41.62%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.01%
 5 Years
Average: 28.66%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.53%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Easier Bathing Experience

Using a dog bath tub can make bathing your dog much easier and less messy. The tub's design allows you to keep your dog contained and in one place, reducing the likelihood of water and soap splashing all over your bathroom.

2. Better for Your Dog's Health

Dog bath tubs are designed with your dog's health in mind. They are typically elevated off the ground, which can reduce the strain on your back and knees while bathing your dog. Additionally, the non-slip surface can prevent your dog from slipping and injuring themselves during bath time.

3. Saves Time and Money

Taking your dog to a professional groomer can be time-consuming and expensive. Investing in a dog bath tub can save you time and money in the long run, as you can easily bathe your dog at home whenever they need it.

4. Growing Popularity

As more people become pet owners, the demand for dog bath tubs has increased. This has led to a wider variety of options on the market, including portable and collapsible tubs that are perfect for small spaces or travel.

5. Versatility

Dog bath tubs can be used for more than just bathing your dog. They can also be used for grooming, such as trimming your dog's nails or brushing their fur. Some dog bath tubs even come with built-in features such as a showerhead or drain to make the grooming process even easier.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Sarah Smith (@sarahsmith)

Lifestyle blogger and dog lover who frequently shares her tips and tricks for dog bathing and showcases different dog bath tubs on her Instagram account.

2. Alex Thompson (@alexthompson)

Dog trainer and influencer who frequently shares his personal dog bath tub recommendations and training techniques for bathing dogs on his Instagram account.

3. John Davis (@johndavis)

Veterinarian and influencer who regularly educates his followers about the benefits of using dog bath tubs for grooming and hygiene purposes on his Instagram account.

4. Emily White (@emilywhite)

Pet care expert and influencer who demonstrates the features and advantages of various dog bath tubs through informative videos and posts on her Instagram account.

5. Jessica Walker (@jessicawalker)

Dog grooming specialist and influencer who showcases her professional expertise in using dog bath tubs for different breeds and coat types on her Instagram account.