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Paula's Choice

Beauty   Company     

Paula's Choice is a skincare brand that offers a range of products formulated with effective and research-backed ingredients. The brand was founded by Paula Begoun, a skincare expert and author of several books on skincare.


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 12 Months
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.29%
 5 Years
Trend: growing
MOM change: 2.22%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Science-Backed Formulations

Paula's Choice products are formulated with ingredients that have been extensively researched and proven to be effective in improving various skin concerns. The brand also provides detailed information on the science behind each ingredient and product.

2. Cruelty-Free and Vegan

Paula's Choice is a cruelty-free and vegan brand, which means that none of their products are tested on animals and they do not use any animal-derived ingredients in their formulations.

3. Transparent and Honest

Paula's Choice is known for their transparency and honesty when it comes to their products. They provide detailed information on the ingredients used in each product, as well as the research behind them. They also do not use any misleading marketing claims.

4. Effective for Various Skin Concerns

Paula's Choice offers a range of products that are effective in addressing various skin concerns, such as acne, aging, hyperpigmentation, and sensitivity. Their products are also suitable for different skin types, including oily, dry, and combination skin.

5. Affordable

Despite the high-quality and effective formulations, Paula's Choice products are relatively affordable compared to other high-end skincare brands. They also offer frequent discounts and promotions, making their products even more accessible to consumers.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Samantha Ravndahl (@ssssamanthaa)

A beauty influencer who frequently features Paula's Choice skincare products in her skincare routines and makeup tutorials on her Instagram account.

2. Caroline Hirons (@carolinehirons)

A skincare expert and influencer who frequently shares her thoughts on Paula's Choice skincare on her Instagram account.

3. Matilda Djerf (@matildadjerf)

A lifestyle and beauty influencer who has collaborated with Paula's Choice and often shares her love for the brand on her Instagram account.

4. Estée Lalonde (@esteelalonde)

A lifestyle and beauty influencer who has collaborated with Paula's Choice and often shares her thoughts on the brand's products on her Instagram account.