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Revolut is a digital banking app that allows users to manage their money, including sending and receiving money, making purchases, and exchanging currencies, all through their mobile device.


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 12 Months
Average: 66.04%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.78%
 5 Years
Average: 27.61%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 3.22%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Low Fees

Revolut offers low fees for international money transfers and currency exchanges, making it an attractive option for those who frequently travel or send money abroad.

2. Convenient

Revolut allows users to manage their finances entirely through their mobile device, making it a convenient option for those who prefer to handle their finances on-the-go.

3. Security

Revolut uses advanced security measures, such as two-factor authentication and biometric identification, to protect users' accounts and transactions.

4. Rewards

Revolut offers rewards and cashback programs for certain purchases, making it an attractive option for those who want to earn rewards for their spending.

5. Cryptocurrency

Revolut allows users to buy, sell, and hold cryptocurrencies, making it an attractive option for those who want to invest in digital currencies.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Katharina Pyshnova (@katharina_pyshnova)

Russian influencer and model who frequently promotes Revolut on her Instagram account.

2. Erika Santos (@erikasantos_)

Spanish fitness influencer who uses Revolut for her online transactions and shares it with her followers on Instagram.

3. Pia Muehlenbeck (@piamuehlenbeck)

Australian influencer and entrepreneur who uses Revolut for her business and frequently recommends it on her Instagram account.

4. Mateusz Kieliszkowski (@kieliszkowskimateusz)

Polish strongman athlete who uses Revolut for his international transactions and frequently shares it with his followers on Instagram.

5. Bilal Hassani (@iambilalhassani)

French singer and influencer who uses Revolut for his financial operations and has shared his experience with it on his Instagram account.

Latest forum discussions

We tracked 5966 total in the last 3 months

..., doy los datos de mi revolut que no uso y, si...
Published on 2024-04-22 in the General forum
This discussion is in Spanish.
Buenas noches, Quiero empezar a invertir en Bitcoin, y querría consultaros por la pregunta del millón: Consideráis mejor Binance o Coinbase? Quitando el tema de qué por ejemplo Coinbase tiene comisiones mucho más altas. Simplemente quiero poder comprar, mantener, y seguir comprando cuando pueda y vea oportunidad. Mi idea es enviar el dinero desde Revolut. Un saludo y gracias!
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Foro de Bolsa forum
This discussion is in Spanish.
Buenas noches, Quiero empezar a invertir en Bitcoin, y querría consultaros por la pregunta del millón: Consideráis mejor Binance o Coinbase? Quitando el tema de qué por ejemplo Coinbase tiene comisiones mucho más altas. Simplemente quiero poder comprar, mantener, y seguir comprando cuando pueda y vea oportunidad. Mi idea es enviar el dinero desde Revolut. Un saludo y gracias!
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Foro de Bolsa forum
This discussion is in Spanish.
... aspetto. E ma per ricaricare Revolut ci vuole una carta di...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Banking, carte di credito, conti deposito e corren forum
This discussion is in Italian.
... aspetto. E ma per ricaricare Revolut ci vuole una carta di...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Banking, carte di credito, conti deposito e corren forum
This discussion is in Italian.
Could you explain where the option is to choose to pay with a no fee card? I have a Revolut card I can try to use. Thanks
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Seiko forum
This discussion is in English.
Could you explain where the option is to choose to pay with a no fee card? I have a Revolut card I can try to use. Thanks
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Seiko forum
This discussion is in English.
... te envío yo por Bizum, Revolut o PayPal. PEDIRME CÓDIGO POR...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Planes amigo y otros referidos forum
This discussion is in Spanish.
... te envío yo por Bizum, Revolut o PayPal. PEDIRME CÓDIGO POR...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Planes amigo y otros referidos forum
This discussion is in Spanish.
... à l'imbécilité absolue? meme revolut (qu'un pote a viré...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Société forum
This discussion is in French.
... à l'imbécilité absolue? meme revolut (qu'un pote a viré...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Société forum
This discussion is in French.
Das hat einfach den Grund, dass sie ihr Konto bei Revolut führen und dieses immer kostenlos ungefragt Echtzeitüberweisungen durchführt, wenn möglich.
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Lebensmittel forum
This discussion is in German.
Das hat einfach den Grund, dass sie ihr Konto bei Revolut führen und dieses immer kostenlos ungefragt Echtzeitüberweisungen durchführt, wenn möglich.
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Lebensmittel forum
This discussion is in German.
Cita de Isra_savio Buenas shurs, Hago un viajecito a Japon y me gustaria saber los que hayais estado por alli cual es la mas conveniente en relacion calidad precio. Gracias! ありがとう Activate la de revolut, es esim y el precio está bien
Published on 2024-04-21 in the General forum
This discussion is in Spanish.
Cita de Isra_savio Buenas shurs, Hago un viajecito a Japon y me gustaria saber los que hayais estado por alli cual es la mas conveniente en relacion calidad precio. Gracias! ありがとう Activate la de revolut, es esim y el precio está bien
Published on 2024-04-21 in the General forum
This discussion is in Spanish.
... online kaufen, diesmal aber mit Revolut Virtual MC bezahlen, da hieß... Penny-Kartenwelt keine MasterCard von Revolut? Die Revolut Visa ging ebendort letzte... Aktionen schon gerne doch die Revolut MC nutzen!…
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Apple forum
This discussion is in German.
... online kaufen, diesmal aber mit Revolut Virtual MC bezahlen, da hieß... Penny-Kartenwelt keine MasterCard von Revolut? Die Revolut Visa ging ebendort letzte... Aktionen schon gerne doch die Revolut MC nutzen!…
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Apple forum
This discussion is in German.