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Automotive   Company   Rapid growth  👀 Early    Medium opportunity   

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Might be referring to: american automaker and automotive technology company.


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 12 Months
Average: 31.69%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.34%
 5 Years
Average: 12.51%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 4.31%

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Marques Brownlee (@mkbhd)

Tech reviewer and influencer who frequently posts about Rivian's electric vehicles on his Instagram account.

2. Victoria Rose (@missvictoriarose)

Travel influencer who showcases her adventures with Rivian vehicles on her Instagram account.

3. Oliver Asis (@oliverxas)

Outdoor enthusiast and influencer who highlights his experiences with Rivian off-road adventures on his Instagram account.

4. Danielle Amato (@danielle.amato)

Nature lover and influencer who captures the beauty of Rivian vehicles in stunning outdoor locations on her Instagram account.

5. Brian Murray (@brianrmurray)

Automotive journalist and influencer who provides expert insights and reviews on Rivian's electric vehicles on his Instagram account.

Latest forum discussions

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...' li doğuştan elektrikli otomobil üreticisi Rivian' ın 2026 ' yılının ilk... fiyatlı suv modeli olacaktır, maalesef rivian hala 10 bin adetleri geçemeyen... bulmuşumdur, en azından togg'un rivian gibi üretim sorunu yoktur, bugün... süreci gerçekten takdiri şayandır diyebilirim, rivian' ın r2 modeline geldiğimizde ise... güncelleneceğini söyledi. , Otomatik Gelişim raporları. Rivian'ın ayrıca R2 araçları için...
Published on 2024-02-07 in the uludağ sözlük forum
This discussion is in Turkish.
...纯电动品牌RIVIAN最近发布了...新纯电动SUV——RIVIAN R2的官图,新...售)。 外观方面,RIVIAN R2采用了族...说是缩小版RIVIAN R1S,要知道了...观细节都跟RIVIAN R1S极为相似...LED灯带组合RIVIAN R1S上就看到...正的觉,计跟RIVIAN R1S也颇为相...可以到些许RIVIAN R1S的影子,但...息显示,RIVIAN R2依旧由RIVIAN滑板平...
Published on 2024-03-08 in the R2社区 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
...纯电动品牌RIVIAN最近发布了...新纯电动SUV——RIVIAN R2的官图,新...售)。 外观方面,RIVIAN R2采用了族...说是缩小版RIVIAN R1S,要知道了...观细节都跟RIVIAN R1S极为相似...LED灯带组合RIVIAN R1S上就看到...正的觉,计跟RIVIAN R1S也颇为相...可以到些许RIVIAN R1S的影子,但...息显示,RIVIAN R2依旧由RIVIAN滑板平...
Published on 2024-03-08 in the R2社区 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
...expanding features: As with all Rivian vehicles, Rivian has developed its network architecture, ...package makes the best of Rivian available at a significantly lower ... starting today at www.Rivian.com/R2, with a refundable ...capital required for its launch, Rivian plans to start production of ...,000 units per year. Rivian’s Georgia plant remains an ... of R2 production at Rivian’s Georgia site. The savings ...
Published on 2024-03-07 in the Presentazioni Nuovi Modelli forum
This discussion is in English.
...expanding features: As with all Rivian vehicles, Rivian has developed its network architecture, ...package makes the best of Rivian available at a significantly lower ... starting today at www.Rivian.com/R2, with a refundable ...capital required for its launch, Rivian plans to start production of ...,000 units per year. Rivian’s Georgia plant remains an ... of R2 production at Rivian’s Georgia site. The savings ...
Published on 2024-03-07 in the Presentazioni Nuovi Modelli forum
This discussion is in English.
...造车新势力Rivian近日发布了...市场销售。据Rivian的创始人兼...份订,这疑为Rivian发展势头注...己R2。 R2作为Rivian继R1T纯电皮...构打造,继承Rivian品牌家族设...得注意的是,Rivian推出的R2凭...体上讽刺了Rivian把。过,为了确...引更多新主,Rivian面临升产的...
Published on 2024-03-10 in the Model Y社区 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
...造车新势力Rivian近日发布了...市场销售。据Rivian的创始人兼...份订,这疑为Rivian发展势头注...己R2。 R2作为Rivian继R1T纯电皮...构打造,继承Rivian品牌家族设...得注意的是,Rivian推出的R2凭...体上讽刺了Rivian把。过,为了确...引更多新主,Rivian面临升产的...
Published on 2024-03-10 in the Model Y社区 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.