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Food & Nutrition   Product   Jun   Sustained growth  Medium opportunity   

Soju is a clear, colorless distilled alcoholic beverage originating from Korea. It is typically made from rice, wheat, or barley and has a relatively low alcohol content.
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every June.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 77.08%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.25%
 5 Years
Average: 50.9%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 3.49%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Cultural Significance

Soju has a long history and cultural significance in Korea, where it is often consumed during social gatherings and celebrations. Its popularity has spread to other parts of the world as Korean culture becomes more mainstream.

2. Affordability

Soju is often less expensive than other types of alcohol, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious consumers. It is also often sold in larger bottles, which can be more cost-effective for groups.

3. Versatility

Soju can be consumed on its own or used as a mixer in cocktails. Its neutral flavor profile makes it a versatile ingredient in a variety of drinks.

4. Lower Alcohol Content

Compared to other types of alcohol, soju has a lower alcohol content, typically ranging from 16-25%. This makes it a popular choice for those who want to enjoy a drink without getting too intoxicated.

5. Health Benefits

Some studies have suggested that moderate consumption of soju may have health benefits, such as reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and improving cognitive function. However, it is important to consume alcohol in moderation and consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Soju Talk (@sojutalk)

Influencer and content creator who shares reviews, recommendations, and recipes involving soju on their Instagram account.

2. Soju Drinking Society (@sojudrinkingsociety)

Community and influencer page focused on sharing interesting soju cocktails, pairings, and drinking experiences on Instagram.

3. Soju Academy (@sojuacademy)

Influencer and educator who provides insights, tips, and tutorials for enjoying soju in various ways on their Instagram account.

4. Soju Lover (@sojulover)

Influencer who shares their passion for soju through creative photography, events, and personal experiences on Instagram.

5. Soju Addict (@sojuaddict)

Influencer with a deep love for soju, showcasing different brands, flavors, and ways to enjoy soju on their Instagram account.

Latest forum discussions

We tracked 3181 total in the last 3 months

moi tried the 11.8% baron extra strong brew, taste really bad and and gave me headache after rather drink a good imperial stout, original soju, or good single malt
Published on 2024-04-03 in the Eat-Drink-Man-Woman forum
This discussion is in English.