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Dog Treats

Pets   Product    ðŸ‘€ Early     

Dog treats are snacks or rewards given to dogs for good behavior or as a supplement to their regular diet. They come in various shapes, sizes, and flavors and are made from different ingredients depending on the brand and type of treat.


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 12 Months
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.26%
 5 Years
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.88%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Training Aid

Dog treats are often used as a training aid to reinforce positive behavior. They can be used to teach dogs new commands or tricks and to reward them for following instructions.

2. Promotes Dental Health

Some dog treats are designed to promote dental health by reducing plaque and tartar buildup and freshening breath. These treats are often made with ingredients that help clean teeth and gums, such as rawhide or dental chews.

3. Bonding Experience

Giving your dog treats can be a bonding experience between you and your pet. It can help strengthen the bond and trust between you and your dog and can also be a way to show affection and love.

4. Convenience

Dog treats are a convenient way to supplement your dog's diet and provide them with extra nutrients. They can be easily carried in a pocket or bag and given to your dog as a snack or reward throughout the day.

5. Increasing Demand for Natural and Organic Treats

As more pet owners become conscious of the ingredients in their dog's food and treats, there is an increasing demand for natural and organic dog treats. These treats are made with high-quality ingredients and are free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Manny The Frenchie (@manny_the_frenchie)

Manny the Frenchie is a social media influencer who shares his love for food, fashion and fun. He is also an advocate of animal adoption.

2. Doug the Pug (@itsdougthepug)

Doug the Pug is a social media superstar who has won the hearts of millions with his adorable and funny videos. He has worked with many celebrities like Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran and John Legend.

3. Dogist (@dogist)

The Dogist is a social media account that documents dogs and their stories from all over the world.

4. Jiffpom (@jiffpom)

Jiffpom is a Pomeranian dog who happens to be a world record holder of being the fastest dog on two legs. He has worked with many celebrities like Katy Perry, Post Malone and Ariana Grande.

5. Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund (@crusoe_dachshund)

Crusoe is a dachshund dog who has won the hearts of millions with his funny and playful videos on social media. He has got more than 1 million followers on Instagram.