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Aws Amplify

Software   Product   Sustained growth   

AWS Amplify is a development platform that provides a set of tools and services for building scalable and secure cloud-powered mobile and web applications. It simplifies the development process by providing pre-built UI components, back-end services, and integration with other AWS services.


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 12 Months
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.5%
 5 Years
Trend: growing
MOM change: 2.55%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Rapid Development

AWS Amplify provides pre-built UI components and back-end services that can be easily integrated into applications, allowing developers to focus on building features rather than infrastructure. This results in faster development cycles and quicker time-to-market.

2. Scalability

AWS Amplify is built on top of AWS, which provides a highly scalable and reliable infrastructure. This allows applications built with Amplify to easily handle large amounts of traffic and users without compromising performance.

3. Security

AWS Amplify provides built-in security features such as authentication, authorization, and encryption. This ensures that applications built with Amplify are secure and compliant with industry standards and regulations.

4. Flexibility

AWS Amplify supports multiple programming languages and frameworks, allowing developers to choose the tools and technologies that best fit their needs. It also integrates with other AWS services, providing a wide range of options for building and deploying applications.

5. Community Support

AWS Amplify has a large and active community of developers who contribute to the platform by creating plugins, libraries, and documentation. This provides developers with a wealth of resources and support for building applications with Amplify.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Shawn Wang (@swyx)

Developer and AWS Amplify expert who frequently shares his knowledge and insights on his Instagram account.

2. Nader Dabit (@dabit3)

AWS Amplify expert, developer, and influencer who frequently shares his knowledge and insights on his Instagram account.