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Bathroom Cabinets

Home & Garden   Product   Dec    Decline  Medium opportunity   

Bathroom cabinets are storage units designed specifically for use in bathrooms. They come in a variety of sizes, styles, and materials, and are used to store toiletries, towels, and other bathroom essentials.
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every December.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 66.38%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.81%
 5 Years
Average: 63.18%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -3.22%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Maximizes Storage Space

Bathroom cabinets are an excellent way to maximize storage space in a bathroom. They can be installed above the sink, on the wall, or even on the floor, providing ample storage space for toiletries, towels, and other bathroom essentials.

2. Adds Style and Functionality

Bathroom cabinets come in a variety of styles and materials, allowing homeowners to choose a cabinet that complements their bathroom decor. They also provide functionality by keeping bathroom essentials organized and easily accessible.

3. Increases Home Value

Installing bathroom cabinets can increase the value of a home. Homebuyers often look for bathrooms with ample storage space, and having a well-designed and functional bathroom can make a home more attractive to potential buyers.

4. Easy to Install

Bathroom cabinets are relatively easy to install, making them a popular DIY project for homeowners. They can be installed using basic tools and hardware, and many cabinets come with installation instructions and templates to make the process even easier.

5. Customizable Options

Bathroom cabinets can be customized to fit the specific needs of a homeowner. They can be designed to fit in small or awkward spaces, and can be customized with features such as built-in lighting, mirrors, and electrical outlets.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Jenna Sue (@jennasuedesign)

Interior designer and influencer sharing her expertise in bathroom cabinet organization and styling.

2. Emily Henderson (@em_henderson)

Interior designer and influencer specializing in bathroom cabinets and furniture.

3. Amber Lewis (@amberinteriors)

Designer and influencer showcasing various bathroom cabinet designs and styles.

4. Shea McGee (@studiomcgee)

Interior design firm and influencer featuring beautiful bathroom cabinets in their projects.

5. Molly Madfis (@almostmakesperfect)

DIY and lifestyle influencer offering tips and inspiration for DIY bathroom cabinet makeovers.