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Bbq Galore

Home & Garden   Product   Nov    Decline  Medium opportunity   

BBQ Galore is a retail chain that specializes in outdoor cooking equipment and accessories. They offer a wide range of products, including grills, smokers, outdoor kitchens, and BBQ accessories.
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every November.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 36.38%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.42%
 5 Years
Average: 30.97%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.81%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Rising Interest in Outdoor Cooking

As more people are spending time at home due to the pandemic, there has been a surge in interest in outdoor cooking. BBQ Galore offers a variety of products that cater to this trend, making it a popular destination for those looking to upgrade their outdoor cooking setup.

2. Quality Products and Expertise

BBQ Galore is known for offering high-quality products and expert advice on outdoor cooking. They have a team of knowledgeable staff who can help customers choose the right equipment and accessories for their needs, making it a trusted source for outdoor cooking enthusiasts.

3. Variety of Products

BBQ Galore offers a wide range of products, from entry-level grills to high-end outdoor kitchens. They also offer a variety of accessories, such as wood chips, rubs, and sauces, making it a one-stop-shop for all outdoor cooking needs.

4. Online Presence

BBQ Galore has a strong online presence, making it easy for customers to browse and purchase products from the comfort of their own homes. They also offer online resources, such as recipes and cooking tips, which further enhances their appeal to outdoor cooking enthusiasts.

5. Brand Recognition

BBQ Galore has been in business for over 35 years and has established itself as a trusted brand in the outdoor cooking industry. Their reputation for quality products and expertise has helped them build a loyal customer base, contributing to their continued popularity.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. John Grillmaster (@grillmasterjohn)

Barbecue expert and influencer who shares mouth-watering BBQ recipes and tips on his Instagram account.

2. Grill Queen (@grillqueen666)

Passionate BBQ enthusiast and influencer who showcases her grilling skills and delicious BBQ creations on her Instagram account.

3. BBQ Boss (@bbqboss)

Professional pitmaster and influencer who shares his BBQ techniques, secret recipes, and behind-the-scenes insights on his Instagram account.

4. Smoke and Sizzle (@smokeandsizzle)

BBQ addict and influencer who documents his BBQ adventures, from backyard cookouts to exotic BBQ feasts, on his Instagram account.

5. Grillaholic (@grillaholic)

Dedicated grilling enthusiast and influencer who showcases his love for BBQ through stunning food photography and grilling tips on his Instagram account.