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Home & Garden   Product   Sustained growth  Medium opportunity   

Bonsai is the art of growing miniature trees in containers. It originated in China and Japan and has gained popularity worldwide as a form of artistic expression and a way to connect with nature.


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 12 Months
Average: 69.87%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.31%
 5 Years
Average: 57.8%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 2.29%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Aesthetic Appeal

Bonsai trees are visually appealing and can bring a sense of tranquility and beauty to any space. The miniature size and intricate shapes of the trees make them unique and captivating.

2. Cultivation Challenge

Growing and maintaining bonsai trees requires skill, patience, and attention to detail. Many people are drawn to the challenge of nurturing these miniature trees and enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes with successfully caring for them.

3. Connection with Nature

Bonsai allows individuals to bring a piece of nature into their homes or gardens. The process of tending to bonsai trees can be meditative and provides a way to connect with the natural world.

4. Symbolism and Tradition

Bonsai has deep cultural and symbolic significance in Asian cultures. It is often associated with harmony, balance, and the appreciation of the beauty of imperfection. Many people are drawn to bonsai for its rich history and cultural heritage.

5. Therapeutic Benefits

Caring for bonsai trees can have therapeutic benefits, such as reducing stress and promoting mindfulness. The act of pruning, shaping, and nurturing the trees can be a form of relaxation and a way to escape from the demands of daily life.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Bonsai Empire (@bonsaiempire)

Online platform dedicated to bonsai enthusiasts, providing tips, tutorials, and stories on their Instagram account.

2. Ryan Neil (@ryan_neil)

Bonsai artist and educator who shares his knowledge and creations on his Instagram account.

3. Bonsai Mirai (@bonsaimirai)

Bonsai nursery and educational facility that shares their bonsai projects and workshops on their Instagram account.

4. Peter Tea (@petertea)

Bonsai expert and teacher who showcases his bonsai trees and techniques on his Instagram account.

5. Bonsai Art (@bonsai.art)

Promoting the art of bonsai through beautiful pictures and informative content on their Instagram account.