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Breast Pump

Baby & Kids   Product   Dec   Rapid growth  Low opportunity   

A breast pump is a device used by lactating mothers to extract milk from their breasts. It mimics the sucking action of a baby to stimulate milk production and allows mothers to store and feed breast milk to their babies at a later time.
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every December.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 80.6%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 1.24%
 5 Years
Average: 66.75%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 4.77%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Convenience and Flexibility

Breast pumps provide mothers with the flexibility to express milk at their convenience. This allows them to maintain their milk supply while being away from their baby, whether it's for work, travel, or other commitments.

2. Supports Milk Supply

Regular and efficient use of a breast pump can help stimulate and maintain milk supply, especially for mothers who may have difficulty breastfeeding directly or have a low milk supply. It allows them to continue providing breast milk to their baby.

3. Relieves Engorgement and Discomfort

Breast pumps can help relieve engorgement and discomfort that can occur when breasts become overly full with milk. By expressing milk, mothers can alleviate pain and prevent issues such as blocked milk ducts or mastitis.

4. Allows Shared Feeding Responsibilities

Breast pumps enable partners, family members, or caregivers to participate in feeding the baby. This allows mothers to take breaks, get rest, or attend to other responsibilities while ensuring their baby receives the benefits of breast milk.

5. Supports Milk Donation

Breast pumps facilitate milk donation to milk banks or other mothers in need. Mothers who produce an excess of milk can use a breast pump to express and donate their milk, providing valuable nutrition to infants who may not have access to their mother's milk.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Nursing Mama (@nursingmama)

Influencer who documents her breastfeeding journey and offers advice on breast pumps and other related products on her Instagram account.

2. Breast Pump Mama (@breastpumpmama)

Motherhood influencer who shares her experience and recommendations for breast pumps on her Instagram account.

3. Milk Mommy (@milkmommy)

Influencer who provides breastfeeding tips and product recommendations, including breast pumps, on her Instagram account.

4. Pumping Queen (@pumpingqueen)

Empowering influencer who educates and supports breastfeeding mothers, including sharing insights on breast pumps, on her Instagram account.

5. Lactation Coach (@lactationcoach)

Certified lactation consultant and influencer who provides information and guidance on breastfeeding, including tips on choosing and using breast pumps, on her Instagram account.