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Django is a high-level Python web framework that enables developers to build web applications quickly and efficiently. It follows the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern and emphasizes the principle of don't repeat yourself (DRY).
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every May.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 69.46%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.25%
 5 Years
Average: 61.16%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.58%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Rapid Development

Django provides a set of tools and libraries that simplify and automate common web development tasks, allowing developers to build applications faster. Its built-in admin interface, ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), and template engine contribute to the speed and efficiency of development.

2. Scalability

Django is designed to handle high-traffic websites and can scale horizontally by adding more servers. Its caching system, support for database sharding, and ability to integrate with caching servers like Redis or Memcached make it suitable for handling large user bases and heavy workloads.

3. Versatility

Django is a versatile framework that can be used to build a wide range of web applications, from simple websites to complex enterprise-level systems. It provides robust support for handling forms, managing user authentication and authorization, handling file uploads, and integrating with various databases and third-party libraries.

4. Community and Documentation

Django has a large and active community of developers who contribute to its development and provide support through forums, mailing lists, and online resources. The framework also has comprehensive and well-maintained documentation, making it easy for developers to learn and use.

5. Security

Django incorporates security best practices by default, helping developers build secure web applications. It provides protection against common web vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and SQL injection. Django's authentication system and built-in security features make it a reliable choice for handling sensitive user data.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Django Reinhardt (@django.reinhardt)

Jazz guitarist and influencer who shares his music and insights on Instagram.

2. Django Unchained (@django.unchained)

Movie fan account dedicated to Quentin Tarantino's film Django Unchained, sharing behind-the-scenes content and reviews.

3. Django Girls (@djangogirls)

Empowering community for women in tech, sharing coding tutorials and success stories on Instagram.

4. Django Action (@django.action)

Action and adventure account showcasing thrilling scenes from movies and TV shows featuring Django characters.

5. Django Books (@django.books)

Influencer sharing book recommendations and literary insights, with a focus on Django-related content.

Latest forum discussions

We tracked 10315 total in the last 3 months

....pk}) I'm new to Django and I want to get ...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Active Forum forum
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I have a Django queryset called qs . When I .... I don't have any Django signals registered. What could be...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Active Forum forum
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I have a Django queryset called qs . When I .... I don't have any Django signals registered. What could be...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
How To Create Django Unique Slug is very important in Django because a slug beautify our url and make it more neat. Think of having spaces in our url or having two slug which might result into a data base error . In other to avoid this I have written a wonderful tutorial I name How to avoid duplicates slug in Django Follow the tutorial to learn each step on how you can set it up on your site
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Programming forum
This discussion is in English.
How To Create Django Unique Slug is very important in Django because a slug beautify our url and make it more neat. Think of having spaces in our url or having two slug which might result into a data base error . In other to avoid this I have written a wonderful tutorial I name How to avoid duplicates slug in Django Follow the tutorial to learn each step on how you can set it up on your site
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Programming forum
This discussion is in English.
Ça dépend tes objectifs django, si tu veux juste être ...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Musculation & nutrition forum
This discussion is in French.
Ça dépend tes objectifs django, si tu veux juste être ...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Musculation & nutrition forum
This discussion is in French.
... 하고 싶은 건 Django, Spring boot나 React 같...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the 프로그래밍 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
... 하고 싶은 건 Django, Spring boot나 React 같...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the 프로그래밍 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
... write a login view in django restframe work to authenticate a...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
... write a login view in django restframe work to authenticate a...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Active Forum forum
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... to apply oauth2 in my django project I handled to get ...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Active Forum forum
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... to apply oauth2 in my django project I handled to get ...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
Another reason this might be happening is , The token is Still valid not expired and not blacklisted , but the user associated with it was somehow deleted and the user in the React application was not logedout so he is still hitting the protected endpoints leading to the backend to decode the jwt containing the user_id and finding out that the user is nowhere to be found Thus returning the 404 ...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
Another reason this might be happening is , The token is Still valid not expired and not blacklisted , but the user associated with it was somehow deleted and the user in the React application was not logedout so he is still hitting the protected endpoints leading to the backend to decode the jwt containing the user_id and finding out that the user is nowhere to be found Thus returning the 404 ...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
... can do reset password with django and angular How can do... reset password with django and angular How can do... reset password with django and angular How can do...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
... can do reset password with django and angular How can do... reset password with django and angular How can do... reset password with django and angular How can do...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
I use django with jinja tempates + frontend. I ...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
I use django with jinja tempates + frontend. I ...
Published on 2024-04-21 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.