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Freeze Dried Candy

Food & Nutrition   Product    ðŸ‘€ Early     

Freeze dried candy is a type of candy that has undergone a freeze drying process, which involves freezing the candy and then removing the water content through sublimation. This results in a crispy, light, and airy texture, while preserving the flavor and color of the candy.


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 12 Months
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.39%
 5 Years
Trend: growing
MOM change: 2.44%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Unique Texture

Freeze dried candy has a unique texture that is crispy, light, and airy. It melts in your mouth and provides a satisfying crunch, different from the chewy or gummy texture of traditional candy.

2. Intensified Flavor

The freeze drying process concentrates the flavors of the candy, resulting in a more intense and vibrant taste. This makes freeze dried candy a flavorful and enjoyable treat.

3. Extended Shelf Life

Freeze drying removes the water content from the candy, which helps to extend its shelf life. This makes freeze dried candy a convenient option for those who want to enjoy their favorite sweets for a longer period of time.

4. Preservation of Nutrients

The freeze drying process preserves the nutrients present in the candy, as it does not involve high heat or the use of additives. This makes freeze dried candy a healthier alternative to traditional candy options.

5. Versatility

Freeze dried candy can be used in various ways, such as toppings for desserts, inclusion in trail mixes, or as standalone snacks. Its versatility makes it a popular choice among food enthusiasts and creative cooks.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. SnackQueen (@snackqueen)

Snack enthusiast and influencer who frequently shares her favorite freeze dried candy on her Instagram account.

2. TheCandyGuy (@thecandyguy)

Foodie and influencer who frequently shares his love for freeze dried candy on his Instagram account.

3. SweetTreats (@sweettreats)

Lifestyle influencer who frequently posts about delicious freeze dried candy on her Instagram account.

4. TastyBites (@tastybites)

Food blogger and influencer who frequently features freeze dried candy in her mouthwatering posts on Instagram.

5. CandyCrush (@candycrush)

Influencer who loves to indulge in freeze dried candy and shares her tasteful experiences on her Instagram account.