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A generator is a function in Python that allows you to generate a sequence of values over time. It is used to create iterators, which are objects that can be iterated over in a loop. Generators are popular because they provide a more memory-efficient and concise way to generate large sequences of values.


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 12 Months
Average: 70.88%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.51%
 5 Years
Average: 56.46%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 4.74%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Memory Efficiency

Generators generate values on the fly, one at a time, instead of creating and storing all values in memory at once. This makes them more memory-efficient, especially when dealing with large sequences or infinite sequences.

2. Lazy Evaluation

Generators use lazy evaluation, meaning that values are generated only when they are needed. This allows for efficient computation and can save time and resources by avoiding unnecessary calculations.

3. Infinite Sequences

Generators can be used to generate infinite sequences of values, such as an infinite stream of random numbers or an infinite sequence of prime numbers. This is not possible with regular lists or arrays.

4. Simplified Code

Generators provide a more concise and readable way to write code that generates sequences of values. They eliminate the need for explicit loops and temporary storage of values, resulting in cleaner and more maintainable code.

5. Efficient Memory Usage

Since generators generate values on the fly and do not store all values in memory, they can be used to process large datasets or streams of data that would otherwise exceed available memory.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Generator Guru (@generatorguru)

Influencer specializing in generators, providing tips, recommendations, and reviews on different generator models on Instagram.

2. PowerUpGenerator (@powerupgenerator)

Instagram influencer who shares his expertise on generators, offering insights, guides, and recommendations to help users make the right choice.

3. GeniusGenerators (@geniusgenerators)

Influencer in the generator industry, sharing knowledge, reviews, and tips on Instagram to assist individuals in their generator-related decisions.

4. GeneratorQueen (@generatorqueen)

Instagram influencer focused on generators, showcasing different models, explaining their features, and providing helpful content for generator enthusiasts.

Latest forum discussions

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I am lucky o 😄. My neighbours and I coperate o. We even share Christmas and Easter food. We have a WhatsApp group and we dey open gates for ourselves when our aboki security guard takes off from the gate house to pray or run errands. We also charge phones in any neighbour's house that puts generator on and borrow iron from each other if any body's own gets spoilt
Published in Abuja on 2024-04-09 in the Family forum
This discussion is in English.
... nur? kWp sind immer der Generator (Module). Wirkleistungs-/Blindleistungsvorgabe hast Du...
Published on 2024-04-09 in the Allgemeine Anlagenplanung forum
This discussion is in German.
... nur? kWp sind immer der Generator (Module). Wirkleistungs-/Blindleistungsvorgabe hast Du...
Published on 2024-04-09 in the Allgemeine Anlagenplanung forum
This discussion is in German.
....go.com/Business/openai-video-generator-sora-risks-fueling-propaganda-bias.../story?id=107289935 OpenAI video-generator Sora risks fueling propaganda and...
Published on 2024-04-09 in the 일러레 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
....go.com/Business/openai-video-generator-sora-risks-fueling-propaganda-bias.../story?id=107289935 OpenAI video-generator Sora risks fueling propaganda and...
Published on 2024-04-09 in the 일러레 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
Published on 2024-04-09 in the 车友交流 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
Published on 2024-04-09 in the 车友交流 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
Published on 2024-04-09 in the 汽车区 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
Published on 2024-04-09 in the 汽车区 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
If you are iterating over an array, I would go with: for i, item in enumerate(array): pass This construct: Gives you both the item to work with and its index Avoids range() generator that adds nothing to the semantics of the code IMO, is more readable than range(len(..
Published on 2024-04-09 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
If you are iterating over an array, I would go with: for i, item in enumerate(array): pass This construct: Gives you both the item to work with and its index Avoids range() generator that adds nothing to the semantics of the code IMO, is more readable than range(len(..
Published on 2024-04-09 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
... experimenting with the Bold Font Generator, which you can alter regular...
Published on 2024-04-09 in the Platform Usage Support forum
This discussion is in English.
... experimenting with the Bold Font Generator, which you can alter regular...
Published on 2024-04-09 in the Platform Usage Support forum
This discussion is in English.
... experimenting with the Bold Font Generator, which you can alter regular...
Published on 2024-04-09 in the Help and Feedback forum
This discussion is in English.
... experimenting with the Bold Font Generator, which you can alter regular...
Published on 2024-04-09 in the Help and Feedback forum
This discussion is in English.
...'s Sora text-to-video generator may be tough, Google DeepMind...
Published on 2024-04-09 in the 특이점이 온다 forum
This discussion is in English.
...'s Sora text-to-video generator may be tough, Google DeepMind...
Published on 2024-04-09 in the 특이점이 온다 forum
This discussion is in English.
...'s Sora text-to-video generator may be tough, Google DeepMind...
Published on 2024-04-09 in the 선형주의 forum
This discussion is in English.
...'s Sora text-to-video generator may be tough, Google DeepMind...
Published on 2024-04-09 in the 선형주의 forum
This discussion is in English.