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Half Baked Harvest

Food & Nutrition   Company    ðŸ‘€ Early    Medium opportunity   

Half Baked Harvest is a popular food blog and cookbook brand created by Tieghan Gerard. The brand features creative and approachable recipes that are inspired by Gerard's Colorado upbringing and her travels around the world.


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 12 Months
Average: 55.62%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.52%
 5 Years
Average: 18.07%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 2.86%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Unique and Creative Recipes

Half Baked Harvest offers a wide variety of unique and creative recipes that are not commonly found on other food blogs. Gerard's recipes often feature unexpected flavor combinations and innovative cooking techniques that keep readers coming back for more.

2. Beautiful Food Photography

Half Baked Harvest is known for its stunning food photography, which showcases Gerard's recipes in a visually appealing way. The brand's Instagram account has over 2 million followers, many of whom are drawn in by the beautiful images of Gerard's dishes.

3. Approachable Cooking Style

Despite featuring complex and creative recipes, Half Baked Harvest's cooking style is approachable and easy to follow. Gerard's recipes often include step-by-step instructions and helpful tips to ensure that even novice cooks can successfully recreate her dishes.

4. Focus on Seasonal and Local Ingredients

Half Baked Harvest emphasizes the use of seasonal and local ingredients in its recipes, which appeals to readers who are interested in sustainable and ethical food practices. Gerard often shares tips for sourcing ingredients and encourages readers to support local farmers and producers.

5. Growing Popularity of Food Blogs

As food blogs continue to gain popularity, Half Baked Harvest has emerged as a leader in the space. The brand's success has inspired other bloggers to create similar content, and has helped to establish food blogging as a legitimate and influential industry.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Half Baked Harvest (@halfbakedharvest)

Food blogger and cookbook author known for her delicious and creative recipes on Half Baked Harvest.

2. Gaby Dalkin (@whatsgabycookin)

Food blogger and cookbook author who often collaborates with Half Baked Harvest and shares their recipes on her Instagram account.

3. Claire Thomas (@clairethomas)

Food photographer and influencer who frequently shares her love for Half Baked Harvest and features their recipes on her Instagram account.

4. Julie Resnick (@thefeedfeed)

Content creator and influencer who regularly features Half Baked Harvest recipes on her Instagram account.

5. Ashley Rodriguez (@notwithoutsalt)

Chef and blogger who showcases Half Baked Harvest recipes and provides cooking tips on her Instagram account.