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Hijab   [hijab]

Clothing & Fashion   Product   Rapid growth  Low opportunity   

Hijab is a headscarf worn by Muslim women as a symbol of modesty and privacy. It covers the head, neck, and chest area.


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 12 Months
Average: 74.77%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.35%
 5 Years
Average: 49.18%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 4.33%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Religious Obligation

Hijab is a religious obligation for Muslim women as stated in the Quran. It is seen as a way to fulfill the commandment of God and to show devotion to Islam.

2. Cultural Identity

Hijab is also seen as a way to express cultural identity and to connect with other Muslim women. It is a symbol of solidarity and belonging to a larger community.

3. Empowerment

For some Muslim women, wearing hijab is a way to feel empowered and to take control of their own bodies. It allows them to define their own identity and to challenge societal norms and expectations.

4. Fashion Trend

In recent years, hijab has become a fashion trend and has gained popularity among non-Muslim women as well. It is seen as a way to make a fashion statement and to embrace diversity and inclusivity.

5. Protection

Hijab is also seen as a way to protect women from unwanted attention and harassment. It is a way to create a boundary between the public and private spheres and to maintain modesty and privacy.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Dina Tokio (@dinatokio)

British fashion influencer and entrepreneur sharing her hijab style and modest fashion on her Instagram account.

2. Hoda Katebi (@hodakatebi)

Iranian-American activist, author and fashion blogger promoting the hijab on her Instagram account.

3. Amena Khan (@amenakhan)

British beauty blogger and entrepreneur sharing her hijab style and cosmetics on her Instagram account.

4. Maria Alia (@mariaalia)

Palestinian-American fashion influencer and model sharing her hijab style and beauty on her Instagram account.

5. Zahra Lyla (@zahralyla)

Indonesian fashion influencer and entrepreneur sharing her hijab style and modest fashion on her Instagram account.

Latest forum discussions

We tracked 1376 total in the last 3 months

Some being sponsored are going for prostitution o. Ask those governors to budget just 2Billion for education (even Arabic education to get them employment in Saudi Arabia) they'd never. They prefer to waste it annually. If Governors down South decide to be stupid like them, they'd start shouting marginalization. See how they were fighting just to wear hijab in private schools.
Published on 2024-04-07 in the Politics forum
This discussion is in English.
... selber habe. Eine Frau mit Hijab würde ich aber keineswegs heiraten.
Published on 2024-04-07 in the Hochzeit forum
This discussion is in German.
... selber habe. Eine Frau mit Hijab würde ich aber keineswegs heiraten.
Published on 2024-04-07 in the Hochzeit forum
This discussion is in German.
... reawaken the zeal? Wear a hijab He won't see your ...
Published on 2024-04-07 in the Religion forum
This discussion is in English.
... reawaken the zeal? Wear a hijab He won't see your ...
Published on 2024-04-07 in the Religion forum
This discussion is in English.
... sagen, dass eine Frau ohne Hijab eine Muslima sein kann. Zudem...
Published on 2024-04-07 in the Haram forum
This discussion is in German.
... sagen, dass eine Frau ohne Hijab eine Muslima sein kann. Zudem...
Published on 2024-04-07 in the Haram forum
This discussion is in German.
Ver hasta el final activar subtítulos español solo son 2 min
Published on 2024-04-06 in the General forum
This discussion is in Spanish.
Ver hasta el final activar subtítulos español solo son 2 min
Published on 2024-04-06 in the General forum
This discussion is in Spanish.
죄수번호차별ㄴㄴ In response to the lawsuit, the Police Department in 2020 changed its policy to allow religious people to be photographed in head coverings, as long as the coverings were not obstructing their faces. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/05/nyregion/hijab-muslim-nypd-mugshot-settlement.html 24.04.06 23:19 | 신고 | 5 | 5
Published on 2024-04-06 in the 유머 게시판 forum
This discussion is in English.
죄수번호차별ㄴㄴ In response to the lawsuit, the Police Department in 2020 changed its policy to allow religious people to be photographed in head coverings, as long as the coverings were not obstructing their faces. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/05/nyregion/hijab-muslim-nypd-mugshot-settlement.html 24.04.06 23:19 | 신고 | 5 | 5
Published on 2024-04-06 in the 유머 게시판 forum
This discussion is in English.
@Noeru Bei hijab geht es ja auch nicht darum dass männer sich nicht benehmen können. Auch männer haben im islam ein hijab… aber ich stimme deiner antwort 100% zu. Die männer sind immer schuld wenn sie belästigen egal wie die frau angezogen ist
Published on 2024-04-06 in the Kopftuch forum
This discussion is in German.
@Noeru Bei hijab geht es ja auch nicht darum dass männer sich nicht benehmen können. Auch männer haben im islam ein hijab… aber ich stimme deiner antwort 100% zu. Die männer sind immer schuld wenn sie belästigen egal wie die frau angezogen ist
Published on 2024-04-06 in the Kopftuch forum
This discussion is in German.
...-kanak ( Aku di tengah memakai hijab ) Foto pertama, dimulai saat hari...
Published on 2024-04-06 in the Steem For Ladies forum
This discussion is in Indonesian.
...-kanak ( Aku di tengah memakai hijab ) Foto pertama, dimulai saat hari...
Published on 2024-04-06 in the Steem For Ladies forum
This discussion is in Indonesian.
Published on 2024-04-06 in the Health forum
This discussion is in English.
Published on 2024-04-06 in the Health forum
This discussion is in English.
... woman wants to wear a hijab, some of them conceal the...
Published on 2024-04-06 in the Politics forum
This discussion is in English.
... woman wants to wear a hijab, some of them conceal the...
Published on 2024-04-06 in the Politics forum
This discussion is in English.