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Food & Nutrition   Company   Sustained growth  Medium opportunity   

Huel is a nutritionally complete meal replacement powder that is made from a blend of oats, pea protein, flaxseed, brown rice protein, and other ingredients. It is designed to provide all of the essential nutrients that the body needs in a convenient and affordable way.


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 12 Months
Average: 62.85%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.25%
 5 Years
Average: 42.98%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 3.44%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Convenience

Huel is a quick and easy way to get a complete meal without having to spend time preparing and cooking food. It is also portable, making it a great option for people who are always on the go.

2. Affordability

Compared to buying and preparing traditional meals, Huel is a more affordable option. It is also less wasteful, as it comes in a powder form that can be stored for long periods of time.

3. Customizable

Huel can be customized to meet individual nutritional needs and preferences. It comes in different flavors and can be mixed with other ingredients to create a variety of different meals.

4. Nutritionally Complete

Huel is designed to provide all of the essential nutrients that the body needs, including protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. This makes it a convenient option for people who are looking to improve their overall nutrition.

5. Sustainability

Huel is a more sustainable option than traditional meals, as it requires less land, water, and other resources to produce. It is also vegan and made from plant-based ingredients, making it a more environmentally friendly choice.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Huel (@huel)

Official Instagram account for Huel - the world's best-selling complete nutrition brand.

2. Megan Ashley (@meganashley)

Fitness influencer who frequently posts about Huel and how it fits into her healthy lifestyle.

3. Fitness With PJ (@fitnesswithpj)

Fitness coach and influencer who frequently posts about Huel as a meal replacement and snack option for her active lifestyle.

4. Veganella (@veganella)

Vegan influencer who frequently posts recipes and meal ideas featuring Huel as a vegan and plant-based protein source.

5. Lucy Mountain (@lucymountain)

Registered Dietitian and influencer who frequently posts about Huel as a convenient and nutritious meal option.

Latest forum discussions

We tracked 342 total in the last 3 months

... bin. Ich bin dann auf Huel gestoßen. Meine Frage: Kann man... ein Apfel isst. Mittags 1x Huel Instant Meal und Abends auch...
Published on 2023-11-12 in the Diät forum
This discussion is in German.
... bin. Ich bin dann auf Huel gestoßen. Meine Frage: Kann man... ein Apfel isst. Mittags 1x Huel Instant Meal und Abends auch...
Published on 2023-11-12 in the Ernährungsumstellung forum
This discussion is in German.
... bin. Ich bin dann auf Huel gestoßen. Meine Frage: Kann man... ein Apfel isst. Mittags 1x Huel Instant Meal und Abends auch...
Published on 2023-11-12 in the Ernährungsumstellung forum
This discussion is in German.
... bin. Ich bin dann auf Huel gestoßen. Meine Frage: Kann man... ein Apfel isst. Mittags 1x Huel Instant Meal und Abends auch...
Published on 2023-11-12 in the gesund forum
This discussion is in German.
... bin. Ich bin dann auf Huel gestoßen. Meine Frage: Kann man... ein Apfel isst. Mittags 1x Huel Instant Meal und Abends auch...
Published on 2023-11-12 in the gesund forum
This discussion is in German.
Me costó encontrar uno operativo, por lo que dejo por aquí mi enlace referido para el primer pedido, 10 € de descuento si gastas un mínimo de 60€: https://huel.mention-me.com/m/ol/um8ua-d82c3af3fa Más info (en inglés) https://view.publitas.com/huel/huel-...-bk6-en/page/1
Published on 2023-10-21 in the Planes amigo y otros referidos forum
This discussion is in Spanish.
Me costó encontrar uno operativo, por lo que dejo por aquí mi enlace referido para el primer pedido, 10 € de descuento si gastas un mínimo de 60€: https://huel.mention-me.com/m/ol/um8ua-d82c3af3fa Más info (en inglés) https://view.publitas.com/huel/huel-...-bk6-en/page/1
Published on 2023-10-21 in the Planes amigo y otros referidos forum
This discussion is in Spanish.
... goes. I've been using Huel black edition for a few... processed foods. Having googled it, huel definitely fits into this category. ...
Published on 2023-10-19 in the Health Matters forum
This discussion is in English.
... goes. I've been using Huel black edition for a few... processed foods. Having googled it, huel definitely fits into this category. ...
Published on 2023-10-19 in the Health Matters forum
This discussion is in English.
咪醬業配Huel高蛋白即飲 ...
Published in on 2023-09-18 in the Marginalman - [邊緣] 本版不取對象 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Traditional.
咪醬業配Huel高蛋白即飲 ...
Published in on 2023-09-18 in the Marginalman - [邊緣] 本版不取對象 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Traditional.
【吉祥丸壱式】 生きるために最低限必要なもの ・完全栄養食「Huel」 ・「ソーンリサーチ社」のサプリメント ・完全非加熱天日熟成塩「マザーソルト」 どう思いますか?
Published on 2023-09-21 in the 投稿練習 forum
This discussion is in Japanese.
【吉祥丸壱式】 生きるために最低限必要なもの ・完全栄養食「Huel」 ・「ソーンリサーチ社」のサプリメント ・完全非加熱天日熟成塩「マザーソルト」 どう思いますか?
Published on 2023-09-21 in the 投稿練習 forum
This discussion is in Japanese.
이런 건 ‘마감이 얼마 안 남아 밥 먹을 시간도 없는 당신을 위한 완전식 Huel’ 이러면서 교주가 더 어울리지 않나…
Published on 2023-11-06 in the 해외 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
이런 건 ‘마감이 얼마 안 남아 밥 먹을 시간도 없는 당신을 위한 완전식 Huel’ 이러면서 교주가 더 어울리지 않나…
Published on 2023-11-06 in the 해외 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
Published on 2023-10-12 in the 投稿練習 forum
This discussion is in Japanese.
Published on 2023-10-12 in the 投稿練習 forum
This discussion is in Japanese.
...新动态 9.6 Huel Black Edition 9.6.1... Huel Black Edition基本信...地位 9.6.2 Huel Black Edition 无麸质...应用 9.6.3 Huel Black Edition 无麸质...(2019-2023) 9.6.4 Huel Black Edition公司简...业务 9.6.5 Huel Black Edition企业最...新动态 表106 Huel Black Edition 无麸质...场地位 表107 Huel Black Edition 无麸质...场应用 表108 Huel Black Edition 无麸质...率(2019-2023) 表109 Huel Black Edition公司简...要业务 表110 Huel Black Edition企业最...
Published on 2023-09-13 in the 研究报告 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
...新动态 9.6 Huel Black Edition 9.6.1... Huel Black Edition基本信...地位 9.6.2 Huel Black Edition 无麸质...应用 9.6.3 Huel Black Edition 无麸质...(2019-2023) 9.6.4 Huel Black Edition公司简...业务 9.6.5 Huel Black Edition企业最...新动态 表106 Huel Black Edition 无麸质...场地位 表107 Huel Black Edition 无麸质...场应用 表108 Huel Black Edition 无麸质...率(2019-2023) 表109 Huel Black Edition公司简...要业务 表110 Huel Black Edition企业最...
Published on 2023-09-13 in the 研究报告 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.