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Lab Grown Diamonds

Clothing & Fashion   Product    ðŸ‘€ Early     

Lab grown diamonds are diamonds that are created in a laboratory setting using advanced technological processes that mimic the natural conditions under which diamonds are formed in the earth's mantle.


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 12 Months
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.54%
 5 Years
Trend: growing
MOM change: 3.8%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Cost Effective

Lab grown diamonds are significantly less expensive than natural diamonds, making them an attractive option for consumers who want the look and feel of a diamond without the high price tag.

2. Ethical and Sustainable

Lab grown diamonds are considered to be more ethical and sustainable than natural diamonds, as they are not associated with the environmental and social issues that are often associated with diamond mining.

3. High Quality

Lab grown diamonds are virtually identical to natural diamonds in terms of their physical and chemical properties, and are often of higher quality than natural diamonds due to the controlled conditions under which they are created.

4. Wide Range of Options

Lab grown diamonds offer a wide range of options in terms of size, shape, and color, making them a versatile choice for a variety of jewelry designs.

5. Increasing Popularity

As consumers become more aware of the benefits of lab grown diamonds, their popularity is increasing. This is leading to more options and availability in the market, making them a viable alternative to natural diamonds.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Kelly Stremmel (@kellystremmel)

A sustainable jewelry influencer that promotes eco-friendly and ethical lab grown diamonds on her Instagram account.

2. Keith J. Myers (@keithjmyers)

An influencer that shares his interest in sustainable and eco-friendly lab grown diamonds on Instagram.

3. Stephanie Gottlieb (@stephaniegottlieb)

A jewelry expert and influencer that shares her knowledge on lab grown diamonds as an ethical and sustainable diamond alternative.