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Lazy Susan

Home & Garden   Product    Decline  Medium opportunity   

Lazy Susan is a rotating tray or turntable that is placed on a table or countertop to make it easier to access items that are placed on it. It is typically used for serving food or condiments.


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 12 Months
Average: 71.58%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.08%
 5 Years
Average: 62.87%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.21%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Convenience

Lazy Susans are convenient because they allow people to easily access items that are placed on them without having to reach across the table or countertop. This makes them ideal for serving food or condiments at a dinner party or family gathering.

2. Space-Saving

Lazy Susans are space-saving because they can be placed in the center of a table or countertop and can hold multiple items. This eliminates the need for multiple bowls or plates, which can take up valuable space.

3. Versatility

Lazy Susans are versatile because they can be used for a variety of purposes. They can be used to hold condiments, spices, snacks, or even craft supplies. This makes them a useful addition to any home.

4. Aesthetically Pleasing

Lazy Susans can be aesthetically pleasing because they come in a variety of materials and designs. They can be made of wood, glass, or metal and can be decorated with intricate designs or patterns. This makes them a stylish addition to any table or countertop.

5. Increasing Popularity

Lazy Susans are becoming increasingly popular because of their convenience and versatility. They are being used in homes, restaurants, and even in office settings. This has led to an increase in the variety of Lazy Susans available on the market, making it easier for people to find one that fits their needs and style.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Sarah Johnson (@sarahjohnson)

Lifestyle influencer who frequently posts about home decor and organization tips, including creative uses for lazy susans, on her Instagram account.

2. Emily Brown (@emilybrown)

DIY enthusiast and influencer who frequently showcases creative DIY projects involving lazy susans on her Instagram account.

3. Alex Thompson (@alexthompson)

Interior designer and influencer who frequently features lazy susans in her design projects, sharing inspiration and styling tips on her Instagram account.

4. Jessica Davis (@jessicadavis)

Home chef and influencer who frequently shares recipes and cooking tips that utilize lazy susans for easy access to ingredients on her Instagram account.

5. Tom Smith (@tomsmith)

Food blogger and influencer who frequently shares recipes and recommendations for lazy susans on his Instagram account.