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Lightroom Presets

Software   Product    Decline   

Lightroom Presets are pre-made settings that can be applied to photos in Adobe Lightroom to achieve a specific look or style. They are essentially a collection of adjustments that can be saved and applied to other photos to achieve a consistent aesthetic.


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 12 Months
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.49%
 5 Years
Trend: declining
MOM change: -3.5%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Saves Time

Using Lightroom Presets can save photographers a significant amount of time by allowing them to quickly apply a desired look to multiple photos without having to manually adjust each individual setting.

2. Consistency

Lightroom Presets can help photographers achieve a consistent look across their portfolio or a specific project. This can be especially useful for branding and marketing purposes.

3. Accessibility

With the rise of social media and the democratization of photography, Lightroom Presets have become more accessible to a wider audience. They can be purchased or downloaded for free online, making it easier for amateur photographers to achieve professional-looking results.

4. Customization

While Lightroom Presets are pre-made settings, they can still be customized to fit a photographer's specific needs. This allows for greater flexibility and creativity in achieving a desired look.

5. Community

The popularity of Lightroom Presets has led to the creation of a community of photographers who share and exchange presets. This has created a collaborative environment where photographers can learn from each other and experiment with different styles and techniques.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Janice Dru (@jandru)

Lifestyle influencer who frequently shares her Lightroom presets and tips on her Instagram account.

2. Maddie Perry (@maddieperry123)

Fashion and lifestyle influencer who also offers Lightroom presets for sale on her website.

3. Mango Street (@mangostreetlab)

Photography duo who create and sell Lightroom presets for various styles and aesthetics.

4. Jordi Koalitic (@jordi.koalitic)

Photographer and editing expert who frequently shares his Lightroom tips and presets on his Instagram account.

5. Peter McKinnon (@petermckinnon)

Photographer and YouTuber who frequently shares his favorite Lightroom presets and editing techniques on his Instagram account.