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Luvs Diapers

Baby & Kids   Product    Decline  Medium opportunity   

Luvs Diapers are a brand of disposable diapers that are designed to provide leak protection and comfort for babies. They are made with high-quality materials and feature a contoured shape for a snug fit.


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 12 Months
Average: 45.54%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.11%
 5 Years
Average: 46.87%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -4.44%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Affordable Option

Luvs Diapers are known for being more affordable compared to other diaper brands, making them a popular choice for budget-conscious parents.

2. Leak Protection

Luvs Diapers are designed with a Leakguard Core that helps to keep babies dry and prevent leaks, providing peace of mind for parents.

3. Soft and Comfortable

Luvs Diapers are made with a soft and breathable material that is gentle on a baby's skin, ensuring comfort throughout the day and night.

4. Wide Range of Sizes

Luvs Diapers are available in a wide range of sizes, from newborn to toddler, ensuring a proper fit for babies of all ages and stages.

5. Trusted Brand

Luvs Diapers have been trusted by parents for many years and have a strong reputation for their quality and reliability.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Mama Natural (@mamanatural)

Mom and influencer who frequently shares her love for Luvs diapers on her Instagram account.

2. Marianna Hewitt (@marianna_hewitt)

Beauty influencer and mom who frequently posts about Luvs diapers on her Instagram account.

3. Babylist (@babylist)

Baby essentials and registry influencer who frequently includes Luvs diapers in product recommendations on their Instagram account.

4. Amelia Keis (@ameliakeis)

Mom and lifestyle influencer who often features Luvs diapers on her Instagram account.

5. The Simple Parent (@thesimpleparent)

Parenting blogger and influencer who frequently talks about Luvs diapers on her Instagram account.