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Makeup Brushes

Beauty   Product   Dec    Decline  Medium opportunity   

Makeup brushes are tools used to apply makeup products to the face and body. They are typically made with bristles or synthetic fibers attached to a handle, and come in various shapes and sizes to cater to different makeup application techniques and areas of the face.
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every December.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 53.69%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.09%
 5 Years
Average: 33.95%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -3.41%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Precise Application

Makeup brushes allow for precise application of makeup products, such as foundation, blush, eyeshadow, and lipstick. The bristles or fibers of the brushes help to evenly distribute the product and blend it seamlessly into the skin, resulting in a more professional and polished look.

2. Versatility

Makeup brushes offer versatility in terms of the different looks and techniques that can be achieved. There are brushes specifically designed for contouring, highlighting, blending, smudging, and more. With the right brushes, individuals can experiment with various makeup styles and achieve different effects.

3. Efficiency

Using makeup brushes can be more efficient than using fingers or sponges. Brushes allow for quicker and more controlled application, reducing the need for excessive product layering or touch-ups. They also help to minimize product wastage, as the bristles or fibers pick up and deposit just the right amount of product.

4. Hygiene

Makeup brushes promote better hygiene compared to using fingers or shared applicators. Brushes can be cleaned regularly to remove bacteria, dirt, and buildup, reducing the risk of breakouts or skin irritations. Additionally, individual brushes can be dedicated to specific products, preventing cross-contamination.

5. Professional Results at Home

With the availability of high-quality makeup brushes, individuals can achieve professional-looking results at home. The right brushes can help to enhance makeup application skills and techniques, allowing for more precise and flawless makeup looks without the need for professional assistance.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Huda Kattan (@hudabeauty)

Founder of the Huda Beauty brand, known for her makeup tutorials and product recommendations.

2. Nikki Tutorials (@nikkietutorials)

Makeup artist and influencer known for her creative makeup looks involving various makeup brushes.

3. James Charles (@jamescharles)

Beauty influencer known for his makeup tutorials and collaborations with top brands.

4. Zoe Sugg (@zoella)

Beauty and lifestyle influencer who frequently features makeup brushes in her content.

5. patrickstarrr (@patrickstarrr)

Makeup artist and influencer who often showcases different makeup brushes and techniques.