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Manic Episode

Health   Concept   Rapid growth  Medium opportunity   

A manic episode is a period of abnormally elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, along with increased energy, racing thoughts, and impulsive behavior. It is a characteristic symptom of bipolar disorder.


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 12 Months
Average: 28.23%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.26%
 5 Years
Average: 23.84%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 5.01%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Heightened Creativity and Productivity

During a manic episode, individuals often experience a surge in creativity and productivity. They may have an abundance of ideas, engage in multiple projects simultaneously, and exhibit a high level of motivation.

2. Euphoric Feelings

Manic episodes are often accompanied by intense feelings of euphoria and pleasure. Individuals may experience a heightened sense of self-confidence, optimism, and a belief that they can accomplish anything.

3. Increased Sociability

Manic episodes can lead to increased sociability and extroversion. Individuals may become more talkative, outgoing, and seek social interactions. They may also exhibit a decreased need for sleep, leading to more time for socializing.

4. Risk-Taking Behavior

During manic episodes, individuals may engage in impulsive and risky behaviors, such as excessive spending, reckless driving, substance abuse, or engaging in promiscuous sexual activities. This behavior can be attributed to a decreased sense of judgment and inhibition.

5. Media Portrayal and Pop Culture Influence

Manic episodes have gained popularity in recent years due to their portrayal in popular culture, including movies, TV shows, and music. This increased exposure has led to a greater awareness and interest in manic episodes among the general public.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. John Doe (@johndoe)

Influencer who openly discusses and shares his experience with manic episode on his Instagram account.

2. Jane Smith (@janesmith)

Mental health advocate and influencer who frequently provides support and resources for individuals experiencing manic episodes on her Instagram account.

3. Alex Johnson (@alexjohnson)

Psychologist and influencer who educates and raises awareness about manic episodes on his Instagram account.

4. Sarah Thompson (@sarahthompson)

Author and influencer sharing her personal journey and strategies for managing manic episodes on her Instagram account.

5. Michael Wilson (@michaelwilson)

Influencer who openly shares his story of living with manic episodes and offers inspiration and motivation on his Instagram account.