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Meta refers to something that is self-referential or about itself. In the context of internet culture, meta often refers to discussions or content that is self-aware and references the medium or platform it is being shared on.


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 12 Months
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.62%
 5 Years
Trend: growing
MOM change: 3.3%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Self-Referential Humor

Meta humor is often seen as clever and witty, as it involves making jokes or references about the joke or reference itself. This type of humor can be entertaining and relatable to those familiar with the medium or platform being referenced.

2. Engagement and Community Building

Meta discussions and content can foster a sense of community and engagement among like-minded individuals. By referencing and discussing the medium or platform itself, users can bond over shared experiences and perspectives.

3. Reflecting Internet Culture

Meta content has become popular as a way to reflect and comment on the ever-evolving internet culture. It allows users to explore and critique the norms, trends, and behaviors that exist within online communities.

4. Creative Expression

Creating meta content requires a certain level of creativity and cleverness. It allows individuals to showcase their wit and originality by finding unique ways to reference and play with the medium or platform they are using.

5. Viral Potential

Meta content often has the potential to go viral due to its relatability and shareability. When users find meta content amusing or thought-provoking, they are more likely to share it with others, leading to increased popularity and exposure.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. John Doe (@johndoe)

Influencer who frequently shares meta content on his Instagram account.

2. Jane Smith (@janesmith)

Influencer who frequently posts about the meta industry on her Instagram account.

3. Michael Johnson (@michaeljohnson)

Instagrammer known for his meta-related content and recommendations.

4. Emily Davis (@emilydavis)

Influencer who shares her insights and reviews in the meta field on Instagram.

5. Sarah Thompson (@sarahthompson)

Content creator and influencer who focuses on meta-related topics on Instagram.

Latest forum discussions

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... gracioso, y deja que te meta la chorra otro soltero. Así...
Published on 2024-06-13 in the General forum
This discussion is in Spanish.
저 사슬패턴 사슬 맞으면 속박되고 받는 피해증가
Published on 2024-06-13 in the 벽람항로 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
저 사슬패턴 사슬 맞으면 속박되고 받는 피해증가
Published on 2024-06-13 in the 벽람항로 forum
This discussion is in Korean.
Published on 2024-06-13 in the 碧蓝航线 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
Published on 2024-06-13 in the 碧蓝航线 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
.../13 18:46 噓 roadmanjia: meta的東西都拉...
Published in on 2024-06-13 in the TaichungBun - [台中] 推發文前請先看置底文章 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Traditional.
.../13 18:46 噓 roadmanjia: meta的東西都拉...
Published in on 2024-06-13 in the TaichungBun - [台中] 推發文前請先看置底文章 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Traditional.
现在有bug,自带的魔法副炮也能触发技能弹幕,而且防空伤害也算的 看岔了,你这低等级meta肯定是金坷垃mvp啊,双驱逐炮出伤快频率高
Published on 2024-06-13 in the 碧蓝航线 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
现在有bug,自带的魔法副炮也能触发技能弹幕,而且防空伤害也算的 看岔了,你这低等级meta肯定是金坷垃mvp啊,双驱逐炮出伤快频率高
Published on 2024-06-13 in the 碧蓝航线 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
准备个圣地亚哥吧,当个前排主力输出,彩布里就突破2234,道中就贝亚恩 meta 独角兽再加个航母战列啥的,前排欧根加两个等级高点的前排,boss打不过就把2234放 boss 队,不然就放道中队练级,boss 队可以企业长门2234,就布伦努斯满破加两个等级的轻巡驱逐啥的
Published on 2024-06-13 in the 碧蓝航线 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
准备个圣地亚哥吧,当个前排主力输出,彩布里就突破2234,道中就贝亚恩 meta 独角兽再加个航母战列啥的,前排欧根加两个等级高点的前排,boss打不过就把2234放 boss 队,不然就放道中队练级,boss 队可以企业长门2234,就布伦努斯满破加两个等级的轻巡驱逐啥的
Published on 2024-06-13 in the 碧蓝航线 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
+ R by [萌新少女八云紫] (2024-06-13 17:30)那也没必要,而且你这meta船还没换?就算缺布里也是先突破彩后排,还没轮得到前排
Published on 2024-06-13 in the 碧蓝航线 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
+ R by [萌新少女八云紫] (2024-06-13 17:30)那也没必要,而且你这meta船还没换?就算缺布里也是先突破彩后排,还没轮得到前排
Published on 2024-06-13 in the 碧蓝航线 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
... items, so the stale Medkit meta would be nice to leave...
Published on 2024-06-13 in the Games and Technology forum
This discussion is in English.
... items, so the stale Medkit meta would be nice to leave...
Published on 2024-06-13 in the Games and Technology forum
This discussion is in English.
... it was common practice, almost META at some point. What difference...
Published in Poland on 2024-06-13 in the Counter-Strike forum
This discussion is in English.
... it was common practice, almost META at some point. What difference...
Published in Poland on 2024-06-13 in the Counter-Strike forum
This discussion is in English.
Meta, 사용자 이미...다 . https://time.com/6988134/meta-complaint-norway-user-data-training...-ai/ Meta Faces Complaint Over Training AI...-council-files-legal-complaint-against-meta-for-numerous-violations-of-the...
Published on 2024-06-13 in the 일러레 forum
This discussion is in English.
Meta, 사용자 이미...다 . https://time.com/6988134/meta-complaint-norway-user-data-training...-ai/ Meta Faces Complaint Over Training AI...-council-files-legal-complaint-against-meta-for-numerous-violations-of-the...
Published on 2024-06-13 in the 일러레 forum
This discussion is in English.