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Open Startup

Software   Concept   Sustained growth   

Open Startup is a business model where companies share their internal metrics, financials, and other data publicly with their customers, investors, and the general public. This level of transparency allows for greater trust and accountability between the company and its stakeholders.


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 12 Months
Average: 67.71%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.46%
 5 Years
Average: 61.58%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 3.57%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Builds Trust and Loyalty

By sharing their internal data, Open Startups build trust and loyalty with their customers and investors. This transparency shows that the company has nothing to hide and is committed to being open and honest with its stakeholders.

2. Attracts Investors

Open Startups often attract investors who value transparency and want to see the inner workings of a company before investing. By sharing their financials and metrics, Open Startups can demonstrate their growth potential and attract more investment.

3. Encourages Collaboration

Open Startups often collaborate with their customers and stakeholders to improve their products and services. By sharing their data, they can get feedback and suggestions from their community, which can lead to better products and a stronger relationship with their customers.

4. Differentiates from Competitors

Open Startups differentiate themselves from their competitors by being transparent and open with their data. This can attract customers who value transparency and want to support companies that are committed to being open and honest.

5. Promotes Accountability

Open Startups are held accountable by their stakeholders, who can see their internal data and hold them to their promises. This level of accountability can lead to better decision-making and a stronger commitment to the company's values and goals.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Nathan Barry (@nathanbarry)

Founder of ConvertKit and an advocate for building in public.

2. Tracy Lee (@ladyleet)

Co-founder of This Dot Labs and an advocate for open source.

3. Pieter Levels (@levelsio)

Founder of Nomad List and a pioneer of the open startup movement.

4. Courtland Allen (@courtland_alen)

Founder of Indie Hackers and an advocate for open startups.

5. Josh Pigford (@shpigford)

Founder of Baremetrics and an advocate for transparency in business.