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Over The Toilet Storage

Home & Garden   Product    Medium opportunity   

Over the toilet storage refers to shelving units or cabinets that are designed to be installed above the toilet, utilizing the vertical space in a bathroom for storage purposes.


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 12 Months
Average: 56.58%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.01%
 5 Years
Average: 39.12%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.98%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Maximizes Space Efficiency

Over the toilet storage helps to make the most of limited bathroom space by utilizing the vertical area above the toilet, which is often left unused.

2. Provides Additional Storage

By adding shelves or cabinets above the toilet, over the toilet storage provides extra space to store bathroom essentials such as towels, toiletries, and cleaning supplies.

3. Easy Installation

Over the toilet storage units are typically designed for easy installation, often requiring minimal tools and effort. This makes it a convenient option for those who want to add storage to their bathroom without extensive renovations.

4. Versatile Design Options

Over the toilet storage comes in a variety of designs, styles, and materials, allowing individuals to choose options that match their bathroom decor and personal preferences.

5. Affordable Solution

Compared to other bathroom storage options, over the toilet storage is often more affordable. It provides a cost-effective solution for those looking to increase storage space in their bathroom without breaking the bank.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Marie Kondo (@mariekondo)

Tidying expert and influencer who often provides creative ideas for over the toilet storage on Instagram.

2. The Home Edit (@thehomeedit)

Home organization duo who frequently shares their tips and ideas for over the toilet storage on Instagram.

3. SimplyOrganized (@simplyorganized)

Professional organizer and influencer who shares practical solutions for over the toilet storage on Instagram.

4. Lili Pettit (@clutterhealing)

Influencer specializing in decluttering and organization, often featuring over the toilet storage ideas on Instagram.

5. IG Organizer (@igorganizer)

Organizing expert and influencer who frequently posts about over the toilet storage solutions on Instagram.