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Food & Nutrition   Product   Dec   Rapid growth  Low opportunity   

Salt is a mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride (NaCl). It is commonly used as a seasoning and preservative in food, as well as in various industrial processes.
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every December.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 87.69%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.71%
 5 Years
Average: 84.28%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 7.94%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Enhances Flavor

Salt enhances the flavor of food by activating taste buds and improving the perception of other flavors. It can bring out the natural flavors of ingredients and make dishes more enjoyable to eat.

2. Preservation

Salt has been used for centuries as a natural preservative due to its ability to draw out moisture from food and inhibit the growth of bacteria. It helps prevent spoilage and extends the shelf life of various perishable foods.

3. Texture and Structure

Salt plays a crucial role in baking and cooking by affecting the texture and structure of food. It strengthens gluten in bread dough, enhances the tenderness of meat, and helps maintain the crispiness of certain foods when fried.

4. Health Benefits in Moderation

While excessive salt consumption can be harmful, salt in moderate amounts is essential for various bodily functions. It helps maintain proper fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions. Additionally, iodized salt is a source of iodine, which is important for thyroid health.

5. Cultural and Historical Significance

Salt has played a significant role in human history and culture. It has been used as a form of currency, a symbol of hospitality, and a valuable commodity. Salt has also been associated with purification rituals and religious ceremonies in many cultures.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Samin Nosrat (@ciaosamin)

Chef and author of the popular cookbook 'Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat' who shares her expertise and salt-focused recipes on Instagram.

2. Nigella Lawson (@nigellalawson)

Famous chef and cookbook author who often incorporates salt in her recipes and shares her culinary journey on Instagram.

3. Nusret Gökçe (@nusr_et)

Celebrity chef known for his unique seasoning technique and viral salt sprinkling videos on Instagram.

4. Jacques Pepin (@jacques_pepin)

Renowned chef and TV personality who shares his love for cooking with salt on his Instagram account.

5. Selina Vazquez (@saltwithselina)

Food blogger and salt enthusiast who shares delicious and creative salt-based recipes on her Instagram account.

Latest forum discussions

We tracked 80650 total in the last 3 months

... will turn it around, get SALT back, lower your Taxes, and... agendas to force action on SALT. (...) Harris dit vouloir s'attaquer...
Published on 2024-09-17 in the Politique forum
This discussion is in English.
... green beans (I use no salt added) pepper onion powder garlic... (I use Herb Ox No salt packets) 4 tbsp butter (cut...
Published in Mid-Atlantic US on 2024-09-17 in the Food & Drinks forum
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... green beans (I use no salt added) pepper onion powder garlic... (I use Herb Ox No salt packets) 4 tbsp butter (cut...
Published in Mid-Atlantic US on 2024-09-17 in the Food & Drinks forum
This discussion is in English.
If your soil is tired a tea isn't going add much, especially the macros. Teas are meant to be a supplement. Most people top dress fertilizer when they flip so the organics have time to break down and be ready for the heavy budding stage. If you're not running pure organics the, only thing that will work immediately are soluble salt ferts, GH, Dyna-Gro....etc.
Published on 2024-09-17 in the Newbie Central forum
This discussion is in English.
If your soil is tired a tea isn't going add much, especially the macros. Teas are meant to be a supplement. Most people top dress fertilizer when they flip so the organics have time to break down and be ready for the heavy budding stage. If you're not running pure organics the, only thing that will work immediately are soluble salt ferts, GH, Dyna-Gro....etc.
Published on 2024-09-17 in the Newbie Central forum
This discussion is in English.
Het wordt steeds gekker <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> ">twitter Eerst SALT afschaffen om dat vervolgens nu vlak voor de verkieizngen als lokkertje te gebruiken om stemmen te winnen en ook nog eens beloven om met de Democratische Gouverneur en burgemeester te gaan samenwerken. Dat gelooft toch geen mens
Published on 2024-09-17 in the Politiek forum
This discussion is in Dutch.
Het wordt steeds gekker <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> ">twitter Eerst SALT afschaffen om dat vervolgens nu vlak voor de verkieizngen als lokkertje te gebruiken om stemmen te winnen en ook nog eens beloven om met de Democratische Gouverneur en burgemeester te gaan samenwerken. Dat gelooft toch geen mens
Published on 2024-09-17 in the Politiek forum
This discussion is in Dutch.
... also liked the Tyrrell's Salt & Vinegar IGA in Victoria... Crisps Cider Vinegar & Sea Salt range but can't find...
Published on 2024-09-17 in the Lifestyle forum
This discussion is in English.
... also liked the Tyrrell's Salt & Vinegar IGA in Victoria... Crisps Cider Vinegar & Sea Salt range but can't find...
Published on 2024-09-17 in the Lifestyle forum
This discussion is in English.
... Area, Denver, Phoenix, Seattle, Portland, Salt Lake City, That’s a...
Published on 2024-09-17 in the Warriors Sports Network Ohana forum
This discussion is in English.
... Area, Denver, Phoenix, Seattle, Portland, Salt Lake City, That’s a...
Published on 2024-09-17 in the Warriors Sports Network Ohana forum
This discussion is in English.
... group of survivors worth their salt. So, survivors will continue to...
Published on 2024-09-17 in the around-the-campfire forum
This discussion is in English.
... group of survivors worth their salt. So, survivors will continue to...
Published on 2024-09-17 in the around-the-campfire forum
This discussion is in English.
.... Beware The Moon. Automobile + PACKED + SALT >>21609842 AZ Sec of State...
Published on 2024-09-17 in the Q Research forum
This discussion is in English.
.... Beware The Moon. Automobile + PACKED + SALT >>21609842 AZ Sec of State...
Published on 2024-09-17 in the Q Research forum
This discussion is in English.
...": [], "thorium": [], "utils": [] }, "success": true, "user": "salt" } salt/job/20240917193208435339/ret/debian-180 { "_...\n---" ], "success": false, "user": "salt" } Relevant output from /var/log/salt/minion on the salt-minion (with log_level: info...17 20:32:08,653 [salt.minion :1739][INFO ][1432] User salt Executing command saltutil.sync_all ....sync_all is in the salt-master logs before the state....
Published on 2024-09-17 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
...": [], "thorium": [], "utils": [] }, "success": true, "user": "salt" } salt/job/20240917193208435339/ret/debian-180 { "_...\n---" ], "success": false, "user": "salt" } Relevant output from /var/log/salt/minion on the salt-minion (with log_level: info...17 20:32:08,653 [salt.minion :1739][INFO ][1432] User salt Executing command saltutil.sync_all ....sync_all is in the salt-master logs before the state....
Published on 2024-09-17 in the Active Forum forum
This discussion is in English.
... pig (crunchy skin) appetizer, the salt baked seafood, roast duck with ...
Published on 2024-09-17 in the Everything else forum
This discussion is in English.
... pig (crunchy skin) appetizer, the salt baked seafood, roast duck with ...
Published on 2024-09-17 in the Everything else forum
This discussion is in English.