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Soko Glam

Beauty   Company   Nov    Decline  Medium opportunity   

Soko Glam is an online retailer that specializes in Korean beauty products. They curate a selection of skincare and makeup products from popular Korean brands and make them accessible to customers worldwide.
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every November.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 57.73%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.15%
 5 Years
Average: 30.33%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -4.41%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Korean Beauty Trend

Korean beauty products have gained popularity in recent years due to their innovative formulations, unique ingredients, and effective results. Soko Glam offers a convenient platform for customers to explore and purchase these trending products.

2. Effective Skincare Solutions

Soko Glam focuses on offering skincare products that address specific skin concerns and provide effective solutions. Their curated selection includes products for various skin types, concerns, and goals, making it easier for customers to find products that work for them.

3. Education and Information

Soko Glam provides educational resources and information about Korean skincare routines, ingredients, and techniques. They offer detailed product descriptions, tutorials, and skincare tips, empowering customers to make informed choices and optimize their skincare routines.

4. Cultural Influence

Korean pop culture, including K-pop and K-dramas, has gained significant global popularity. This cultural influence has extended to beauty and skincare, with many people seeking to achieve the flawless and radiant skin often portrayed by Korean celebrities. Soko Glam taps into this cultural influence and offers products that align with these beauty ideals.

5. Convenience and Accessibility

Soko Glam's online platform provides customers with convenient access to a wide range of Korean beauty products. They offer international shipping, making it possible for customers worldwide to purchase these products without the need to travel to Korea or rely on local retailers with limited selections.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. James Welsh (@james_s_welsh)

Skincare influencer and aesthetician, known for his K-beauty expertise and product reviews.

2. Soko Glam (@sokoglam)

Official Instagram account of Soko Glam, a leading K-beauty online retailer and curator.

3. Glow Recipe (@glowrecipe)

K-beauty brand known for their innovative skincare products, sharing tips and product recommendations on Instagram.

4. Sarah Lee (@sarah_glow)

Co-founder of Glow Recipe, passionate about K-beauty and frequently sharing her skincare routine on Instagram.

5. Charlotte Cho (@charlottejcho)

Co-founder of Soko Glam and author of The Little Book of Skincare, sharing skincare tips and K-beauty recommendations.