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Under Counter Ice Maker

Home & Garden   Product    Medium opportunity   

An under counter ice maker is a type of ice maker that is designed to be installed under a counter or in a cabinet. It is a compact and efficient way to produce ice for commercial or residential use.


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 12 Months
Average: 55.58%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.34%
 5 Years
Average: 36.6%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 1.33%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Space-Saving Design

Under counter ice makers are designed to fit in small spaces, making them ideal for kitchens, bars, and other areas where space is limited. They can be installed under a counter or in a cabinet, freeing up valuable floor space.

2. Convenient Access to Ice

Under counter ice makers provide easy access to ice without the need to go to a separate ice machine or freezer. This is especially convenient for bartenders and restaurant staff who need to quickly and easily access ice during service.

3. Energy Efficiency

Under counter ice makers are designed to be energy efficient, using less energy than traditional ice machines. This can result in lower energy bills and a smaller carbon footprint.

4. Variety of Ice Types

Under counter ice makers can produce a variety of ice types, including cubed, crushed, and nugget ice. This allows users to choose the type of ice that best suits their needs.

5. Increased Popularity

Under counter ice makers are becoming increasingly popular due to their space-saving design, convenience, and energy efficiency. As more people become aware of their benefits, the demand for under counter ice makers is likely to continue to grow.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. The Ice Maker Guys (@theicemakerguys)

Experts in under counter ice makers. They share their knowledge and recommendations on the best under counter ice makers on their Instagram account.

2. IceCraze (@icecraze)

Influencer specializing in all things ice-related. They frequently post about under counter ice makers and share their top picks on their Instagram account.

3. IcyKween (@icykween)

Passionate about ice and cooling appliances. They showcase different under counter ice makers and provide expert recommendations on their Instagram account.

4. IceMachineDiva (@icemachinediva)

Influencer who focuses on under counter ice makers. They share reviews, tips, and guides on choosing the perfect ice maker on their Instagram account.

5. IceMakerPro (@icemakerpro)

Dedicated to sharing the best under counter ice makers on the market. They provide insightful content and comparisons on their Instagram account.