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Under Sink Mat

Home & Garden   Product     

An under sink mat is a protective mat that is placed underneath the sink to protect the cabinet from water damage, leaks, and spills.


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 12 Months
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.22%
 5 Years
Trend: growing
MOM change: 2.59%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Prevents Water Damage

Under sink mats are designed to prevent water damage to the cabinet and surrounding areas. They absorb any water that may leak from pipes or plumbing fixtures, preventing it from seeping into the cabinet and causing damage.

2. Easy to Clean

Under sink mats are easy to clean and maintain. They can be wiped down with a damp cloth or sponge, and some mats are even machine washable. This makes them a convenient and practical solution for protecting cabinets from water damage.

3. Reduces Odors

Under sink mats can help reduce odors that may develop in the cabinet due to moisture and dampness. They absorb any water that may leak from pipes or plumbing fixtures, preventing it from sitting in the cabinet and causing odors.

4. Affordable

Under sink mats are an affordable solution for protecting cabinets from water damage. They are available in a range of sizes and materials, making them accessible to a wide range of consumers.

5. Customizable

Under sink mats can be customized to fit the specific dimensions of a cabinet. This ensures a perfect fit and maximum protection against water damage. Some mats can also be cut to size, making them a versatile solution for protecting cabinets of all shapes and sizes.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Lisa Pullano (@lisapullano)

Lifestyle and home decor influencer who regularly features under sink mats as a part of her home organization content on her Instagram account.

2. Rachel & Ashley (@ourfauxfarmhouse)

Home decor and DIY influencers who have shared their use of under sink mats in their kitchen organization content on their Instagram account.

3. Laura Beverlin (@laurabeverlin)

Fashion and lifestyle influencer who has included under sink mats in her home decor and organization content on her Instagram account.

4. Claire Brody (@clairebstyled)

Interior design and decor influencer who has shared under sink mats as a part of her organization and decor content on her Instagram account.

5. Erin Marshall (@mytexashouse)

Home decor and lifestyle influencer who has showcased under sink mats as a part of her kitchen organization content on her Instagram account.