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Whelping Box

Pets   Product   Dec    Medium opportunity   

A whelping box is a specially designed enclosure for dogs to give birth and raise their puppies in a safe and comfortable environment.
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every December.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 76.46%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.41%
 5 Years
Average: 52.92%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.45%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Provides a Safe Environment for Puppies

Whelping boxes are designed to keep puppies contained and safe from potential hazards such as drafts, other animals, and accidental crushing by the mother. This helps to reduce the risk of injury or death for the puppies.

2. Helps to Keep the Area Clean

Whelping boxes are typically lined with absorbent materials such as newspapers or puppy pads, which makes cleaning up after the puppies much easier. This helps to keep the area clean and hygienic for both the mother and the puppies.

3. Reduces Stress for the Mother

Whelping boxes provide a comfortable and secure environment for the mother to give birth and raise her puppies. This can help to reduce stress and anxiety for the mother, which can have a positive impact on her health and the health of her puppies.

4. Allows for Easy Monitoring of the Puppies

Whelping boxes are designed to allow easy access for the breeder to monitor the puppies and their health. This can help to identify any potential issues early on and ensure that the puppies are growing and developing properly.

5. Growing Popularity in the Dog Breeding Community

As more dog breeders become aware of the benefits of using a whelping box, they are becoming increasingly popular in the dog breeding community. This has led to an increase in the availability of whelping boxes and related products, making it easier for breeders to provide a safe and comfortable environment for their dogs and puppies.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Puppy Love Whelping (@puppylovewhelping)

Giving you all the guidance you need on taking care of newborn puppies in a whelping box.

2. Whelping Puppies (@whelpingpuppies)

The ultimate guide to whelping puppies and taking care of them in a whelping box.

3. The Whelping Box (@thewhelpingbox)

Everything you need to know about whelping boxes and raising happy and healthy puppies.

4. Pawsitively Whelping (@pawsitivelywhelping)

Sharing the best tips and tricks for preparing a whelping box and taking care of newborn puppies.

5. Whelping Time (@whelpingtime)

Helping you through the entire process of whelping and taking care of puppies in a whelping box.