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Whey Protein

Health   Product   May    Decline  Low opportunity   

Whey protein is a type of protein derived from milk during the cheese-making process. It is a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids that the body needs but cannot produce on its own.
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every May.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 77.46%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.69%
 5 Years
Average: 70.43%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -1.93%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Muscle Building and Recovery

Whey protein is popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts because it is easily absorbed by the body and quickly delivers amino acids to the muscles. This makes it an effective supplement for muscle building and recovery after intense workouts.

2. Weight Management

Whey protein is known to increase satiety and reduce hunger, making it a useful tool for weight management. It can help control cravings and promote feelings of fullness, which can aid in calorie control and weight loss.

3. Convenience

Whey protein supplements are available in various forms, including powders, bars, and ready-to-drink shakes. This makes it a convenient option for individuals who need a quick and easy source of protein, especially for those with busy lifestyles or limited access to whole food sources.

4. Muscle Preservation during Aging

As people age, they tend to experience muscle loss, which can lead to decreased strength and mobility. Whey protein has been shown to help preserve muscle mass and strength in older adults, making it beneficial for healthy aging.

5. Versatility in Recipes

Whey protein powder can be easily incorporated into various recipes, such as smoothies, baked goods, and protein pancakes. This versatility allows individuals to increase their protein intake without sacrificing taste or variety in their diet.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Emily Skye (@emilyskyefit)

Fitness trainer and influencer who frequently includes whey protein in her nutrition advice and recipes on her Instagram account.

2. Nick Rodriguez (@nickrodriguez)

Fitness influencer who promotes and shares his love for whey protein on his Instagram account.

3. Evan Centopani (@evancentopani)

Professional bodybuilder and fitness influencer who frequently talks about the benefits of whey protein on his Instagram account.

4. Devon Lévesque (@devonlevesque)

Fitness coach and influencer who often shares workout tips and recipes using whey protein on his Instagram account.

5. Sharon Madderson (@sharonmadderson)

Health and wellness influencer who advocates for using whey protein as a supplement for achieving fitness goals on her Instagram account.

Latest forum discussions

We tracked 1584 total in the last 3 months

Most of the biopesticides and microencapsulated pesticides are developed by using whey protein. Here what is the role of whey protein in bio-pesticides?
Published on 2022-07-15 in the Whey Protein forum
This discussion is in English.
... store. https://www.gnc.com/whey-protein/350281.html
Published on 2022-08-08 in the Hot Deals forum
This discussion is in English.
... store. https://www.gnc.com/whey-protein/350281.html
Published on 2022-08-08 in the Hot Deals forum
This discussion is in English.
Hello all. Just wondering if whey protein is ok to have while ... thinking about was the extra protein i’d be getting for... eat the peanut butter ZonePerfect protein bars every day too. Can... too?? And the Fairlife chocolate protein milk, lol. Labels are posted...
Published on 2022-05-10 in the January 2023 Babies forum
This discussion is in English.
Hello all. Just wondering if whey protein is ok to have while ... thinking about was the extra protein i’d be getting for... eat the peanut butter ZonePerfect protein bars every day too. Can... too?? And the Fairlife chocolate protein milk, lol. Labels are posted...
Published on 2022-05-10 in the January 2023 Babies forum
This discussion is in English.
Veganer Protein oder Whey Protein, was empfehlt ihr am besten?
Published on 2022-07-11 in the Sport und Fitness forum
This discussion is in Unknown.
Veganer Protein oder Whey Protein, was empfehlt ihr am besten?
Published on 2022-07-11 in the Sport und Fitness forum
This discussion is in Unknown.
Bin 14 und mache halt das übliche Hanteln und Liegestütze.. sollte ich Whey Protein nehmen und gilt das schon zu Krafttraining und beeinträchtigt mein wachstum?
Published on 2022-07-28 in the Sport und Fitness forum
This discussion is in Unknown.
Bin 14 und mache halt das übliche Hanteln und Liegestütze.. sollte ich Whey Protein nehmen und gilt das schon zu Krafttraining und beeinträchtigt mein wachstum?
Published on 2022-07-28 in the Sport und Fitness forum
This discussion is in Unknown.
Hey! Ich trainieren zur Zeit doch regelmäßig und möchte selbstverständlich ein paar Muskeln aufbauen. Zurzeit nehme ich Kreatin und wollte mich jetzt erkundigen, was denn Whey Protein bringt und ob es sich überhaupt lohnt zu nehmen bzw. wann sollte ich es nehmen? Wäre nett, wenn mir jemand weiterhelfen könnte! LG:)
Published on 2022-07-17 in the Sport und Fitness forum
This discussion is in German.
Hey! Ich trainieren zur Zeit doch regelmäßig und möchte selbstverständlich ein paar Muskeln aufbauen. Zurzeit nehme ich Kreatin und wollte mich jetzt erkundigen, was denn Whey Protein bringt und ob es sich überhaupt lohnt zu nehmen bzw. wann sollte ich es nehmen? Wäre nett, wenn mir jemand weiterhelfen könnte! LG:)
Published on 2022-07-17 in the Sport und Fitness forum
This discussion is in German.
Veganer Protein oder Whey Protein, was empfehlt ihr am besten?
Published on 2022-07-11 in the Protein forum
This discussion is in Unknown.
Veganer Protein oder Whey Protein, was empfehlt ihr am besten?
Published on 2022-07-11 in the Protein forum
This discussion is in Unknown.
Veganer Protein oder Whey Protein, was empfehlt ihr am besten?
Published on 2022-07-11 in the Fitness forum
This discussion is in Unknown.
Veganer Protein oder Whey Protein, was empfehlt ihr am besten?
Published on 2022-07-11 in the Fitness forum
This discussion is in Unknown.
Hello all. Just wondering if whey protein is ok to have while ... thinking about was the extra protein i’d be getting for... eat the peanut butter ZonePerfect protein bars every day too. Can... bars are ok? Fairlife chocolate protein milk as well along with...
Published on 2022-05-10 in the 1st Time Mommies forum
This discussion is in English.
Hello all. Just wondering if whey protein is ok to have while ... thinking about was the extra protein i’d be getting for... eat the peanut butter ZonePerfect protein bars every day too. Can... bars are ok? Fairlife chocolate protein milk as well along with...
Published on 2022-05-10 in the 1st Time Mommies forum
This discussion is in English.
Hiii hab mir bei esn das whey protein pulver geholt in der sorte iced latte und wollte mal fragen wie viel gramm und milch ich brauche bei ca 64kg?? welche sorten könnt ihr noch empfehlen? muss man das Protein Pulver jeden tag einnehmen oder immer nur vor oder nach dem Training?
Published on 2022-06-12 in the Sport und Fitness forum
This discussion is in German.
Hiii hab mir bei esn das whey protein pulver geholt in der sorte iced latte und wollte mal fragen wie viel gramm und milch ich brauche bei ca 64kg?? welche sorten könnt ihr noch empfehlen? muss man das Protein Pulver jeden tag einnehmen oder immer nur vor oder nach dem Training?
Published on 2022-06-12 in the Sport und Fitness forum
This discussion is in German.